Monday, December 8, 2008

Is it really true?

Am I actually going to finally graduate at 31?!!  I really can't believe I made it this far!  Never in a million years did I imagine myself going back to school.  But I did and my mom would have been so happy! 

I really don't know what I'm going to do with my spare time? Coming home from and not having to study scares me.  I mean really, what am I going to do?!  I guess I'll find out come Thursday! It's gonna take some time getting used to but I'm sure I wont miss school (although a part of me already does, isn't that weird?!) 

Anyway, here are a couple layouts i made a couple weeks ago...just  been too lazy to scan them. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

ho ho ho

it's crazy how life can change in a blink of an eye...and then it just leaves you.  just like that. gone...and you're left sad and lonely. lately, i'm just not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  is it even there?

this time (2nd time) around, the holidays absolutely suck! surprisingly, last year, just three weeks or so after my mom died, i couldn't wait to put up the tree and start decorating. i think i was just in shock and tried to make things as "normal" as possible because this year is a whole different story.  fuck the music. fuck the tree. fuck the gifts. fuck the snow.  and fuck all the happy people. oh and a big FUCK YOU to new years if brings me another round of a miserable shit.
But, with all that said, i will try to make the best out of this "jolly" season.  

p.s. i''m feeling really creative lately (but i've been to lazy to actually create anything)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

a whole lot of nothing

i'm loving this quote farah sent me...just had to make a layout of it.  it felt so good to create something today...but i really need to start making layouts with pictures on them! But that calls for a new camera (just because i've had my eye on a certain one for a while) and someone to take pictures of since Adam refuses to do it. 

And since school and work engulf every damn aspect of my life, i really don't have much more to say....except that i should be graduating in 28 days!!!!!  holy shit...i can't believe i'm about to finally finish!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


made this as i was watching obama put mccain to shame.  

wow, that was a huge victory!! can you imagine how Obama feels right now?! he holds the title as the first black president of the united states! now that's pretty damn gratifying!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


i want to scream from the top of my lungs.
i want to scream until I no longer have a voice. 


i never really knew that my heart could ever ache this much.   
and it's pure agony.

Never again will my soul find true peace...until i see you again, mom.  never.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I really don't know what's wrong with me! I have SOOO much to do and I actually have had the time to work on things (well, just yesterday and today), but I just don't feel like it!  I could be catching up on albums or school work, but I'm laying around just serfing the web...oh and yesterday I took a 2hr nap!!! God, it felt so good!!!  

Anyway, I have found so much inspo on the web, along with a bunch of stuff I want to by.  I'll pass on the coolness:

These make me want business cards...but for what, i don't know.
This lady records her day with awesome collages.  I love this idea!
I want to take amazing photos too.
I need this asap. I actually can't believe I haven't bought one yet.

I also came across this repulsive, yet creative halloween costume...

that's all for now, maybe i'll actually get up and do/make something....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

i look barbaric

me: " god. I'm so tired. I haven't even washed my face today"
farah: "i can tell. you haven't combed your hair.  you look barbaric"
me: "oh thanks"

there's nothing better than to have a friend that can just tell you the straight up truth!! hey, it doesn't bother me..someone's gonna have to tell you the truth, right?!

So, i know i've been MIA for a LONG time.  This is what i've been up to...

1. got into a huge fight with my sister-in-law two weeks before the wedding and it lasted quite a while...thank god that's settled!
2. went to my brother's wedding.  it actually wasn't as hard as i thought it was gonna be without my mom, but it was a blast and absolutely beautiful.
3. busy with 4 300 level classes.  all i gotta say about that is i fucking hate writing papers! really, i do.
4. went to Dayton for adam's step-brother's wedding.  it was the most beautiful ceremony i've every attended.  the way they combined the 2 cultures (indian and german) was absolutely amazing!  drooled over all the beautiful sari's..i wish i had one on.
5. falling behind on my albums.  5 to be exact. the brides are starting to hound me. fuck.

BUT, that didn't stop me from scrapping!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


ok i'm back. again. this semester finally ended yesterday and i'm so fucking relieved!  for some reason, this semester really stressed me out and took a lot of my time!! it feels so good that it's 11:53 right now and i'm in bed...on the computer, watching the view.  oh i love it!  just one more semester to go and i'll be freeeeee! thank the lord!!

so, i haven't had an ounce of inspiration inside of me lately.  i try and try, but it just won't happen.  i can't tell you how many times this has happened:

1. pack tons of shit out of my scrapbook room
2. drag it all downstairs (so i can hang with adam and scrapbook)
3. set it up
4. pick out paper which paper i'll use (which, by the way, is a very long process for me)
5. get frustrated cause don't know what to do with anything (as if i've never scrapped)
6. pack everything back up
7. take it back upstairs
8. accomplish nothing

but, hopefully tomorrow this will change because i'm scrapping with my favorite scrapper...Staci!!  she usually inspires me and i just LOVE looking at all her guys, she has SOOO much stuff, it always makes me want to's crazy!  BUT, she's in the same scrapbook/life rut!!!  hopefully, we can come up with something tomorrow.

by the way, i know i haven't updated in forever...but does anyone still read my blog? especially scrappers since there's absolutely no inspo happening on this blog.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Have you ever wondered.....

why tears come out of our eyes when we cry? or how mirrors work?  or how we only see one of everything even though we have two eyes? or what the purpose of eyebrows really are? why? why? why?  everyone who knows me, knows that i ask a million questions...and it's usually something that no one has answers to.  Well my friends, I have found a grrreat's so much fun and i spent a very long time on it last night.  And i must say, i quizzed Adam on a lot of the trivia/facts and he got 9 out of 10 of them correct! WTF, Adam?! 

I know I said that i was gonna post pictures of my "my loves" book but i was too busy to take the pics and figure out how to upload them onto my the way, i love macs, they really are the shit! But I will do that soon so i can share with you my new favorite mini book!

And here's something i want and am very tempted to get! i love it! you can find other cool ones here.

p.s. adam, if you're reading this, i still think you were too general so you had to be right!!

holy moly!!

I can't believe it's been so long since i've blogged!!  I've just really been extremely busy with school and haven't felt like i had anything excited to share...not like i really ever did.  So i was just being lazy, i guess! So here's what's been up with me (it's not a whole lot):

* i got a new mac and i'm in love with it!  now my pc seems like total junk!
* i'm working with an awesome photographer, designing digital albums.  so fun!
* falling behind in school work
* haven't done laundry in about a month...and that's no joke!
* haven't purchased a single scrapbook product in a long time...over a month!  I don't think I've even stepped foot into a scrapbook store!
*This entire summer, I've only scrapbooked a handfull of times. i don't like that.  But I will post my almost completed "my loves" the way it turned out!

be back with some fun pics tomorrow!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

eve and her apple

since adam and farah were the bartenders at marilyn's shower, farah went out and bought a shit load of liquor so they could practice making drinks...this is what the craziness looked like...look at all the liquor!

since we're on the subject of liquor...i'll share a funny memory with you. A few years ago, a few girlfriends and I went to Chicago for a weekend trip. Next to our hotel was a small grocery store and a light bulb went off... I had the best idea! Since I had been so sick of the bar and sick of nasty guys with their ridiculous pick up lines, I was going to get them back. I went into the grocery store, bought an apple, and off to the bar I went. I had a plan. The first guy that was going to talk to me was going to be the victim. And here he is... as soon as he asked me my name I busted out my apple, bit into it and said, "Eve". I thought for sure he'd go away after that but he DIDN'T!! He kept talking to me! I mean didn't he think that was strange?! And he asked me what I was going to school for and I said nutrition! I guess my plan didn't go as perfectly as planned. But at least I got a picture! (lydia was waiting for me to do it lol)

and here's the last thing i wanted to show you guys. I made marilyn's wedding invitations. After proofing everything a million times with marilyn, I printed 158 of them and put it together....

....and then I noticed a mistake!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

decisions, decisions, decisions...

...i hate them!

Why am I SO damn indecisive?!! It's so bad it gets on my OWN nerves!!!! I change my mind a million times with's crazy! It even happens with scrapbooking! For example, a few times this week I set up my scrapbook stuff downstairs because I was feeling creative but after unloading everything and getting organized, I decide that i really don't feel like scrapping! It's weird.

I have a new dilemma. I got offered a job deal with the photographer I'm working with now that I almost can't resist! The problem is I can't take this job, juggle it with school and work at my current job...too much. I know I'd LOVE this job if I decide to take's very "scrapbookish", but I feel so bad for leaving Starfish! I don't know what to do and I want to make a decision sooner rather than later so I can start making some money! I wish someone would just tell me what to do!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


yay! i finished my first digital wedding album for my new job! wow..i really can't believe how long it took me! learning and getting used to the computer software was pretty tough, but i'm getting the hang of it. i actually got another book to work on today and i'm hoping to have it done in a few hours.

after a LONG day at school yesterday, i had to do something fun before i called it a day so i made a few simple pages for my "R" book.

and i got the necklace in the mail today!!! I LOVE IT!

and check out the tag it came on...yup, that will definitely be used somehow, somewhere....i love it! don't you just love finding free embellishments? i went to lohemanns the other day with marie and saw a cute red sticker tag on a pair of jeans that said "i want to live like this forever"..yup, took that too. how could i not?!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

i hate school!

really, i am so over school! the closer i get to graduation the more i HATE it! i especially dispise it when the professor makes you introduce yourself to the class: 1. it's so childish and makes me feel like i'm in 3rd grade and 2. who the fuck cares about what u say about yourself?! i'm actually blogging as someone is introducing herself..eerrgh! also, i have to be here for 8 hours every tuesday and thursday....this is what i have to say to everyone that's enjoying themselves in this beautiful weather today (and every tues and thurs for the rest of the summer):

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

my head is spinning!

i'm not sure what i was thinking when i took on a second job ontop of a full load of classes! by the way, that's 100 open house invitations for work, 250-275 wedding invitations, 70 shower invitations, and a 30 page digital wedding album (which is very difficult because the software i have to use is like a foreign language!)....check out my deadlines.
i want to scrapbook and take a nap!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

holy shit...

how amazing are these gorgeous shoes?!

and these heels...HOT! the part in between the silver is actually bamboo but u can't tell in the picture.

yup, those are my new GUCCI shoes!!!! Farah, Marilyn, and Chrystal pitched in and bought them for my birthday! I am in LOVE with them...seriously! The first thing I did when I got up this morning was put those babies on! I swear, I've never owned such a gorgeous pair of shoes! Ok, enough of the shoes...check out these beautiful earrings Marie got me....

I swear, Marie always gets me the best jewelry! I don't think I've ever not liked something she's bought me...Marie, I can always count on you for awesome jewelry! She bought me a cute make up bag I have been eyeing too, which can also be used as a cool clutch! Then a bunch of us girls went out to dinner and they surprised me with this pretty cake (it's pink and brown).

They really spoiled me last night....thanks guys! All of you are truly the best! I really do have the best friends!

So today we spent the day on the lake. Here's me and Adam, by the way Adam had an entire pitcher of Margarita ALL to himself!!! nasty!

another pic....adam, my brother, and chrystal.

it was a good weekend....wouldn't you think so too if you got those Gucci shoes? : )

Saturday, June 21, 2008

first birthday surprise

and probably the only one...i don't think you get to many birthday surprises when your 31! man, i can't believe how old i'm getting! seriously, time goes way too fast and i think it just gets faster and faster as you age. it's kinda scary. Anyway, here are the beautiful flowers my aunt sent me....
i love the plain and bigger than the ones I have. i love the bonus for getting flowers sent to me...a free vase!

I made these bridal shower invitations for one of my best's a sex in the city theme. We whipped up 80 of these in less than 3 hrs....

It's crappy out (and I LOVE it)...very dark, windy, and rainy which means its time for a serious nap! especially since i'm going out with the girls tonight for my b-day celebration...can't wait to drink tons of wine...yummy!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

i wish i was rich

how beautiful is this clutch?! i want it SOOO bad! too bad it's $300 dollars!

and i've had my eye on darwin bell's awesome wall art...i would love to have one of these!
i think adam's getting me one of these gorgeous necklaces for my birthday...actually i know he's getting me one...i'm custom ordering it to say "i will make a difference" and the charm is actually glass....can't wait to get it!
my list of "i wants" can go and on and on.....i swear shopping DOES make a girl feel so much better!
so i made this for the gutter girlz ...the challenge was to scrap about being a woman using panty my aunt gave me her fish net stocking and i made the way, it took me forever to make this and i'm not too thrilled with the way it turned out. i pictured it to look better in my head....

oh, marie, mishy, and chris...i took these from you mom. i asked her if i could cut them up and she said, "yeah take them. whenever i try to wear them i just feel like a...a hooker."....she was laughing like she was embarrassed when she was telling me know what i mean right?! she cracked me up!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

goose is a pervert

every once in a while i'll catch goose doing this...

yup, that's my underwear...i guess one pair wasn't enough for him today...

moral of the story: make sure your panties land INSIDE the laundry basket!

Monday, June 16, 2008

in the dumps

I really hate it when i fall into the dumps...sometimes i just don't know how to get out of them...that's pretty much how my weekend went. Although i was depressed this weekend, I managed to go to a graduation party and a wedding. The wedding was absolutely stunning! A little too formal, but breath taking. They served TONS of food....lamp chops and crabcakes for o'rderves...just to name a couple..and a 5 course meal served. Each course was served with a different glass of wine (all imported from Italy, of course!)...and the reception hall....OMG! let's just say it was at a yhat club in one of the richest (if not richest) city in MI....we were surrounded by Lake St. Claire and it was a gorgeous day...what a wedding! But I have to say that although i was so down the 6 or 7 glasses of wine really cheered me up! gotta love that wine, i swear!

Did a few more pages for my "confessions" journal...i think it's getting as full as it can for right now...can't think of anymore (maybe one) but i love this was so fun to make.

yes, i do wash it...and please no comments about my old pillow case that i hid from everyone for years (ohhh that could be another "confession")....

this next one i changed, i hated how the original confession looked, so here's the updated version...

this next one really is true...not one single pair!

thanks to michelle, i have someone to "keep me safe" when adam goes out of town....thanks mishy! oh, that's what i'm gonna do my next layout about and it's gonna be about u!!!

this last one was redone too cause i hated how the original one turned out....this just looks better to me.
anyway, i'm drained. it's after 1am. i work tomorrow and i don't want to. i need to go to bed. i'm out.

Monday, June 9, 2008

internet = lazy

Seriously, I don't know what I used to do before the internet! I really have an obsession with it. I think that if I had to choose between my cell phone and the laptop, the laptop would win...hands down! With the crazy storms we've had, power went out everywhere (but not at my house, thank god!) and our internet connection went down. So since I had no internet this morning I actually played a "good" wife...i cleaned AND i cooked!!!! I guess that's what it takes...take the internet away and i'll actually get something done around here!

Luckily it came back up and I can post a few things I worked on this weekend. I finally made the cover for my "confessions" book....I love the fact that it's getting full.

a confession....
and I LOVE these MM alphas...this is a page in my "R" book....

and Chris, finally a page for you! Sorry, Mish...yours is coming soon! It took me FOREVER to get this page done tonight....i just wasn't feelin it. Hopefully my creative juices don't stop flowing...i love that i've been scrapbooking more...feels so good and I'm actually using my stuff!

and that's it for now....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

hello stanley

Although I was feeling a little down tonight...i was happy to watch the wings win the stanely cup! The last second...literally...was such a close call but Woo Hoo cause WE WON!!

I don't have too much to say lately...not sure what's going on with me. But I have been scrapping ALOT that's for sure...and loving it! Tonight the mojo really wasn't there but I still worked on some things. I made this for my "R" mini

and this is a layout i might put in my mom's book. it was extremely hard to scrap....took me forever and i'm not really happy with it, but i just wanted to finish it. I couldn't find the right paper so I printed the lyrics to one of my favorite Madonna songs, "Promise to Try" (she wrote it for her mom) on cardstock.

This picture of mom was taken at my bridal shower and I absolutely love it!! It just shows her exactly the way she was....always so much fun, always so loving. It's my favorite picture of her but it's also a very difficult picture for me to look at. The blurriness of it makes me see how she just faded away...gone...nowhere to be found.
By the way, this was supposed to be a funny post, but Adam wouldn't let me post what i wanted to post...he said it was rude and really it was. I took a video on my cell phone of the most annoying guy on earth. he's in my class and all he does is rock back and forth in his squeeky chair for 3 hours non stop....IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! For real, it does! I really get angry and nervous and distracted. For the entire class period I debate whether or not to kick his chair...never have...yet. But i did take a video (you can't really see his face in it) to show my friends and hubby, who i text during class to bitch about him...too bad i can't share it with you really is kinda rude of me to do.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Candice emailed me this morning to tell me that her and I are featured on the SIStv's catwalk this week!!! For the cousins who don't know what i'm talking about, SIStv is a scrapbooking website where scrapbookers can post their layouts and talk about scrapbooking...pretty fun, huh?! I know! Anyway, every Tuesday the design team members, and the Jeanette (the woman who started the site) pick their favorite layout and Jeanette picked ME!!!!!! How cool is that....check it out here.

So that just inspired me to scrap more! Here's another page I did today of goose and his toys....he LOVES them! And this is how he ALWAYS sleeps with them in his's the cutest thing!

This our old man right here....doesn't he really look like one? With a "huh?" look....