since we're on the subject of liquor...i'll share a funny memory with you. A few years ago, a few girlfriends and I went to Chicago for a weekend trip. Next to our hotel was a small grocery store and a light bulb went off... I had the best idea! Since I had been so sick of the bar and sick of nasty guys with their ridiculous pick up lines, I was going to get them back. I went into the grocery store, bought an apple, and off to the bar I went. I had a plan. The first guy that was going to talk to me was going to be the victim. And here he is... as soon as he asked me my name I busted out my apple, bit into it and said, "Eve". I thought for sure he'd go away after that but he DIDN'T!! He kept talking to me! I mean didn't he think that was strange?! And he asked me what I was going to school for and I said nutrition! I guess my plan didn't go as perfectly as planned. But at least I got a picture! (lydia was waiting for me to do it lol)

....and then I noticed a mistake!
OOOMMMMMGGGGGG!!!!! i just told one of my clients that eve story! i was dying when i told him. im still surprised that the piture came out clear cause i was laughing so hard! especially cause the juice of the apple was dripping down the side of ur mouth. lol. do remember that brand new shirt u were wearing. we got back to the hotel and u were so irritated that u took it off and threw it in the garbage. btw was that the trip when hagatha was born?
request(s)? that story is so funny. and random
omg lydia! i remember throwing that shirt in the garbage of our hotel room now! how funny!!! we used to have so much fun!
I still dont get it. Apple? Eve? I know the biblical story but how does this make sense? What is the mistake on the invitation?
how did you manage to take such a perfect picture positioned in front of the mirror like that so we can see you biting into that apple??
Hagatha and her coins!! That trip was therapeutic. I've never laughed so much!
--Cousin Farah
LOVE the story and the pic is awesome!!! the invitation is gorgeous!
haha! yes, i finally figured it out!!!!!!! I kept thinking your eve victim at the bar looked so familiar...he looks like the guy in superbad that hits seth with his car in the parking lot. and yes that has been bothering me forever now. i feel better.
oh renee... i miss you... where are you these days?
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