Tuesday, August 28, 2007

did i do that?

adam just took that quiz about me that i posted yesterday and he was cracking up! I thought he found my questions funny but really he was laughing at the fact that i actually made a quiz. I started reading the quiz with him and started cracking up at myself! I just want to tell you guys that was me on lunesta (my zzz pills)!! that was so lame...


Chrissy said...

so what did adam get on your test? probably not too that great i bet.

marie antoinette said...

okayyy, you're the one who had a phone conversation w/ me about how funny it was making it and that i should make one, too. were you on lunesta this afternoon?

renee said...

nope...but i just realized how lame it really was to post it on my blog! and i was on the phone with carolyn and telling her how stupid it was and she's like "hey, i'm making my quiz right now"...she's a new addition to the blog reader

Anonymous said...

Renee, why aren't you posting scrapbook stuff? We don't wanna scare everyone else away (or do we? btw I'm evil Frisky taking over Farah's subconscious). Shut up Frisky!! Marie you suck, meow-haha!
--Cousin Farah, I mean Frisky, I mean...(sinister laugh)

Anonymous said...

i liked your quiz and you started a new trend! Chris made me make one up and he got a 100%. Then mar made one and I should have gotten a 100% but i read one question wrong...i'm pretty upset about that. haha! Lunch was fun the other day, can you post the pics!