So, I planned on scrapbooking this entire vacation but that didn't happen. I have been in a major scrapbook funk! Can't think of anything creative for the life of frustrating. I did go to a couple crops with staci (a couple times...she's so much fun) and janiece (crazy girl). I had tons of fun with them and managed to get a few pages done. Here they are...not my favorite, but it's something...

I started making an album about my mom....I love the way it's turning out but it's been a VERY SLOW process. It's been so therapeutic to be working on it. I can't wait until it's done so I can show it to you guys. Here's a peak at what it's looking like (i'll post more when it's finished).

I did another one today...i love this picture of me and my dad.

More news....
Somerset magazine emailed me...they're interested in publishing 2 of my layouts!! Yay!
My 27 year old cousin won a million dollars last night!!!!!! Literally!! He was in a drawing for the MI lotto drawing and actually won....lucky bastard!!! oh what I would do with a million dollars!!! But he's an awesome guy and totally deserves it...congrats, neil!
fact: The chances of winning the Lotto jackpot is roughly 1 in 3.5 million.
First Congrats!!! on your pub with somerset memories magazine!!! it's an awesome mag!!! and the page of you and your dad....turned out gorgeous!!!! and love the size....Had fun croppin' with ya....sorry you gotta go back to school......!!
I love the pages (is that what you call them?) you created. Nana Warana's page is beautiful! Congratulations on the Someret Magazine thing, how cool is that for you!!! That's like me getting a recipe published in Gourmet! haha
p.s. I miss you!
Love your layouts! And a millionaire in the family is always good to have!! Oh, and Im in Des Moines, Iowa, a born and raised California girl living in a cornfield. It sucks!
What the hell, TWO layouts!!! Girl, you are HOT HOT HOT!!! Congrats!
Miss Jelly Jealous
you are the real rockstar in this family...
Congrats!! I love the page of you and your dad =)
Congrats on your pub. with Somerset!!!!
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