Monday, August 6, 2007

thanks anonymous

Someone left me an anonymous message on my last blog entry. I think I have a pretty good idea of who it was since I only told 1 person about my emotional breakdown today.

It just was one of those mom wasn't feeling well and I of course I got upset and thought the worst of her cancer so I cried over it ALL day long! I'm just eyes literally burn and all i want to do is sleep. I just checked my the comments on my blog and found this one:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference....thanks anonymous/michelle! it put a smile on my face!


Anonymous said...

=) I LOVE YOU and your mom is ALWAYS in my prayers, and in many others peoples too!


Candice P.J. said...

Sorry to hear about your bad day yesterday (and your Mom's too), but glad to hear that you obviously have a great support system through shitty times like this! Hope you both are doing better today!

Staci Compher said...

Renee...thanks for the pep talk on my blog......, sorry to hear your day was shitty too.......hopefully today is better.sounds like you have a great group of friends...too