that's what i was today. I COOKED AND CLEANED. That rarely ever happens, I mean cooking and cleaning in the same night, especially the cooking part. I actually love cleaning, it doesn't bother me at all, so that's not the surprising part. So about the cooking thing, I made chicken cordon blue....and then Adam woke up and had spaghetti. I just can't seem to make anything else. It's always spaghetti or tacos! How pathetic of me! I honestly am too lazy to cook (my least favorite thing to do) and how in the world do people think of making different yummy food all the time? Can you guys help me cook something different, but easy with not too many ingredients?...I mean help Adam!
I made this Henna invitation for a friend of mine,
Cheyene. I love how it turned out. The colors are just perfect. The picture does it no justice! I hope she likes it, if so I'll be making about 200 of these suckers...

fact: The USDA recommends eating no more than 10 teaspoons of added sugar per day. A child who drinks 2 cans of soda per day consumes about eighteen teaspoons of sugar per day just from soda! (according to
renee, that invitation turned out beautiful!!! i'm sure it's even prettier in person. the colors turned out great!
how many times have i told you to get giada's cookbook??? i'm telling you, the things she makes are simple and you can for sure do it! stop being lazy! it's therapeutic, i promise you!
renee i have the BEST new "recipe". it's SOOO easy and adam will love it cause its mexican-y. The ingredients include: chicken, salsa, shredded cheese, cumin and garlic salt! and that's it! saute the chicken til done. add spices and salsa, cook for five minutes and add cheese. melt and serve. SOOO SOOO EASY! i know you need measurements so we will make it together and measure it. p.s. its michelle =)
I LOVE the invitation!! Great job!!
Keep up the good work.
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