Recap on the weekend:
By the end of Saturday night Farah and I finished 3 bottles of wine! We actually had so much fun and all we did was drink and watch Madonna's concert on DVD. For those of you who do not know Farah and I, we are obsessed with Madonna and have been since she came out with Like a Virgin (and Farah probably started liking her when borderline came out). We were SO buzzed, Farah was actually drunk. I made this layout as we had Madonna blasting...

Adam and I went out on the boat with Cliff, Jenan, and Brian yesterday. It was a gorgeous day...we had a great time.
Cleaned the shit out of my house today. It took me about 4 hrs. I did laundry too. I just love a clean house and the smell of relaxing!
hold on, am i missing something? what happened between you and farrah?
also, i LOVE that layout. did you watch the madonna live earth performance i sent you? if not, WATCH IT. it's awesome.
i CANNOT believe i was not even mentioned in that blog renee! and how about adam and marilyn? this world does NOt revolve around you!!! (jk!!!! LOVE YOU)
oh that was me...mishy
Great layout!!! Did you do that when you were buzzed? You should scrapbook with wine more often! Glad to hear you had a good weekend!
I was in the studio the other day with Madonna's best friend and we were talking about her and her career while he was checking his email (and actually had a few messages from her post her performance) and even he said she was terrrible, thank god cuz i didnt wanna be fake and nice and say she did good when i thought it was the worst song and the most pretentious performance i have ever witnessed by anyone, next to avril lavigne....
p.s. renee, i dont want you to be too mad, but i looked at the email and saw the email address but i didnt memorize it, thinking back now, i probably shouldve and then exploited it by giving it to you guys... haha sorry, ill try again next time... also, why did you say sorry to foof, i didnt know you two were "boys"
k bye bye
Chris, why are you such a hater? I bet you secretly listen to Madonna songs in your car. And, Renee, I'm not mad at you.
I am SOOOOO confused!!!! Renee, why are you saying sorry to me? what happened between us? I don't get it!!! hahaha! I didn't look at you blogs for a few hours and now i'm so confused! haha
I am SOOOOO confused!!!! Renee, why are you saying sorry to me? what happened between us? I don't get it!!! hahaha! I didn't look at you blogs for a few hours and now i'm so confused! haha
I am SOOOOO confused!!!! Renee, why are you saying sorry to me? what happened between us? I don't get it!!! hahaha! I didn't look at you blogs for a few hours and now i'm so confused! haha
p.s. chris, me and renee are boys, so don't be jealous!
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