Monday, July 2, 2007

Feelin for Goose

The poor guy is having such a hard time with the fireworks this week. Our neighbors are shooting fireworks right now and Goose is stuck to my body shaking to death! He won't even move for a bone...and anyone who knows Goose knows that NEVER happens! He even freaks out when he hears them in the distance...I'm feeling for you Goose!
I started a new semester today...2 classes. It's gonna be pretty easy so that's good for a change. I can enjoy the rest of the summer. So, I made dinner for Adam, Cliff, and Jenan...Can you guess what I made? No, not spaghetti...the only other thing I know how to make...tacos! They were delicious and I want to make this....It looks SO good and I have the cutest bowls for it.
In case you can't tell what it's French Onion Soup. It's actually my favorite soup and that's surprising coming from someone that despises onions.
fact: Onions come from the lily family.
by the way, chris are you out there? where the hell have you been?


marie antoinette said...

i really really really am jealous of your camera!
that picture of the soup looks like an ad! by the way, good job!

Chrissy said...

Dude! that picture of the soup is NOT an ad? It looks so damn good. Good job! Yes Renee dont worry im out here, the only problem is the hotel internet (which we steal) isnt working and theres no one to contact since we have no business using it. So hopefully it'll be back up soon. Goose is such a chicken shit, but cute so its ok. Our producer has a dog just like goose and hes so loving and warm he always lays next to me on the couch and puts his head on my lap like Ive known him for years, it actually makes me miss lucky and lucy and penelope. Its 4th of July and im at work, since im not home to be with you guys, im going about my day as if there is nothing going on and there is no holiday today, but its tough since there is no human life in the mall today. Ok gtg, have fun today everyone out there in cyberspace! What upp Adam.