Friday: Adam, farah, and I hung out at my parents house at night. My aunt and uncle (Lori and Paul) stopped by. We watched some fireworks on the lake and me, Adam, and Lori played cards. We lost to Adam...both Lori and I had to pay him $10 each! It was the way, my camera takes awesome pics! Look at this one that i took on friday's so clear!
saturday: walked 4 miles with Farah and Marilyn. It was such a hard path! Marilyn was trailing behind us the whole time and wanted Adam to pick her up at one point. She made it though. I'm so soar today but that's probably because I spent a good few hrs pulling weeks so we can have a pretty garden some day....hopefully soon. Adam spent the entire day working outside and I picked weeds (4 large garbage bags full!) It was insane...I just couldn't stop pulling them. We're done with weeds though : )
Sunday: went to Adam's mom for a belated bday party for me. It was so nice. We sat outside, talked, and had an awesome dinner outside. It's a guaranteed good dinner when you go there. She also had my fav...cupcakes! Came home and made these 2 layouts:

Then me and Adam watched a program on 2 teen aged twins who are conjoined. It was so strange and so intriguing to see how they live. I just can't imaging how they live the way they do...compromise, patience, no privacy...24 hrs a day! It really boggles my mind. They act and look (their faces) just like any normal teenage girl, except share the same body. It really amazing, but yet so mind boggling.
That's just about all we did this excitement about you guys?
fact: Worldwide, there are probably only five unseparated sets of teenage or adult twins living today. (according to chanel 4 news/ health)