Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Michelle vs. Grandma

i packed up my scrapbook stuff...a ton of it...and scrapped downstairs as Adam watched tv. i was so excited to start...had the best ideas in my head for "the perfect" page but it didn't happen so easily. i'm not sure why that happens...just a creative block these past few days. i think i need to go paper shopping...that might help.

not too crazy about them, but they turned out okay. I didn't clean up my scrapbook mess downstairs so i might be working on some tomorrow night...we'll see how it goes...goodnight

oh yeah, MICHELLE WAS MY FIRST HOUSE GUEST... i don't count it though because she was obliverated...just beyond wasted! i'll show you why i don't count mishy as my first house guest...

now would you count michelle as my first house guest or adam's grandmother? Sorry, mish, i think the pic of you falling out of the car and flat on the driveway might give it away. oh yeah, we had to make her move! it really was a riot but this is why i say adam's grandmother was my first houseguest and not michelle...do you see?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

bad blogger

I've been a bad blogger! Actually I've been really busy or just too lazy to blog...that's pretty bad!

I spent friday morning cleaning because I had my first house guest! Adam's grandma came into town and stayed with us friday night! She's so sweet, I love her! Her new favorite hobby is scrapbooking, so i took her to the scrapbook zone...grandma left the store $109.00 poorer! She bought a ton of stuff...she loved it.

I have done nothing else this weekend...been extremely lazy. I went to bed at 11pm last night...so early! I never thought there would be a day when I would want to stay home on a saturday night and go to bed before midnight...there have been many of those days lately...and I love it!

I have been in a mood to scrapbook but I just can't get myself to actually do a layout! I sat in my scrapbook room a couple of times this weekend but didn't get anything done (or started). Just can't get my creative juices to flow...maybe tomorrow.

So, I was thinking...aren't lady bugs so pretty? isn't it wierd how they're so perfectly spotted and just so pretty?

fact: There are approximately 5000 different kinds of ladybugs living all over the world. (according to gardenandearth.com)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I got my awesome wedding album! I love it! It's a digital chipboard like album. I was so excited when I was looking through it. I want to show you the whole thing! but, since I can't here a few pictures..actually a bunch of them, I couldn't decide.

This is the cover

I hope I didn't bore you with these pictures, I'm just so happy with it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


i came across this question on someone else's blog a few days ago...just curious to see your responses...

if you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who would it be?

my answer: pope john paul II

Monday, July 23, 2007


I was so happy that my class was cancelled this morning...was so looking forward to sleeping in but I was disturbed by a stinky skunk smelling ass...

and then he just completely took over my spot and my PILLOW!!

Here's a layout I made last night...

fact: Michelle reads my blog : )

Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's official...

...I blog for Marie and Chris...and then Farah just kicks back and quietly loves it and makes jokes to herself about us!

Why do I blog??? No one else comments except Marie, Chris, and Farah...oh and Candice (thank God for someone else!..and then Stacey here and there : ) )! But don't stop guys because I LOVE comments!! I was so excited to see 10 comments...I should have known it was Marie and Chris...love it anyway...very entertaining!

So Chris, I say HELL NO to AZ!!! I really want to go the LA! It's one of my favorite cities, you can never be bored...so much to do. I'm craving it! Oh and I LOVE the beach! Chris, take advantage while your there, some people just dream about palm trees and the ocean!

I updated my inspiration binder and I am in the mood to scrapbook! I'm planning on making a few layouts tomorrow...hopefully nothing distracts me...

fact (for Chris): I think anon is genious for annonymous dummy! It cracked me up...I was wondering what anon was too.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Goose vs. Skunk...

So Goose decided to try to befriend a skunk. The skunk wanted nothing to do with him and sprayed him!!! Yeah, Goose was sprayed by a skunk!!!!!! Adam said that he literally saw the skunk spray Goose. OMG!!! It was crazy! All I heard was Adam screaming Goose's name over and over....goose running into the house....rubbing himself all over our rug.....adam still screaming GOOSE GOOSE.....and then this repulsive odor engulfed our house!!!! The smell is brutal!!!! We've had every single window open (and it's windy tonight) since 10:30 and I still want to vomit!

We had to literally search for hydrogen peroxide and baking soda so we can wash out the smell. I ended up at Jenan's house once and after we ran out of hydrogen peroxide, I ran to Ban's house for some more. We washed him 3 times and we can still smell it faintly, but our house wreaks!!! It better be gone by tomorrow!

We even tried tomato juice, lathered his body with it and then he licked the shit out of his body!

Before the fiasco I made 2 pages....

fact: Baby skunks are born in May through early June, naked and blind (3 weeks), and nurses for 6 to 7 weeks. (according to mt.gov)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


This asshole disgusts me!

Him and the others who participate in such a disturbing and cruel crime. How can anyone watch a dog fight? I just can't understand that. I didn't want to post the sad pics of the poor beaten up dogs...I really can't handle animal abuse. It makes me sick! I think this asshole should be banned from the NFL, not suspended! I honestly think our justice system is far too easy on people. Don't you think if we had harsher punishment, there would be less crime? I do.

Please click on the link below to help suspend Michael Vick (and that's the least the NFL should do!)

fact: There are an estimated 40,000 people in the United States involved professionally in dog fighting. The purses can be as high as $100,000. (according the the humane society)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


No Madonna haters on my blog...CHRIS!!!

1. She's an awesome artist and performer!
2. Her past concert (and live earth performance) was probably the best she done!
3. I hate you for not getting that email address!!!
4. Are you retarded???? Seriously?

Just for that, these amazing pics are for you...

and here, she's really giving you the finger...

fact: Madonna is the highest selling and most successful female recording artist. She has sold over 240 million records world wide to date, 75 million singles and 165 million albums. Madonna has sold more albums and more singles world wide than any other female artist (yes, she beat shitty Mariah Carey).

So Chrissy, I highly doubt she sucks!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Forgive Me...

Foofey!! I love you!!! Your like my sister so I can get on your nerves and do stupid things! Please don't be mad farrrahhh! : )

Recap on the weekend:

By the end of Saturday night Farah and I finished 3 bottles of wine! We actually had so much fun and all we did was drink and watch Madonna's concert on DVD. For those of you who do not know Farah and I, we are obsessed with Madonna and have been since she came out with Like a Virgin (and Farah probably started liking her when borderline came out). We were SO buzzed, Farah was actually drunk. I made this layout as we had Madonna blasting...

I really love this layout...it looks so much cooler in person.

Adam and I went out on the boat with Cliff, Jenan, and Brian yesterday. It was a gorgeous day...we had a great time.

Cleaned the shit out of my house today. It took me about 4 hrs. I did laundry too. I just love a clean house and the smell of laundry...so relaxing!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


...fuck it! enjoy it while you're still here...me and farah are!

Yup, we're buzzing and it feels damn good! I'm supposed to be writing a paper but we got side tracked....oh well, fuck that too : )

Friday, July 13, 2007

Stuck in Reverse

If it's not one thing it's another with my mom. It's like she can't get a damn break! If it's not her cancer that's making her sick/tired one day than it's the sores in her mouth from her medicine. If it's not that, it's her diabetes. If it's not the diabetes then she falls and hurts herself since she's so weak. I just don't understand why she can't get a fucking break! Although I know that it could be worse, I can't help but to wonder if God hears our prayers. Does He hear me begging Him to help my mom? I feel so guilty when I say or think that but it's so hard and heartbreaking! But I guess that our prayers have been answered in a way since we have medicine that will possibly prolong her life. Who knows?! I don't know how people ever get through this, it's so depressing! Sometimes I get so bitter when I see healthy women her age or her friends, it's like why can't my mom be as healthy as them or why does my mom have to be the one with cancer?! It just sucks!

So when I feel so shitty about my mom, I sometimes scrapbook and it really helps. It's very therapeutic. I made this for my escape journal...

sorry for the blurriness, but I did't feel like scanning it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

having fun on the internet...

I've been on the Internet for the past 4 1/2 hrs!!! I can't believe it! I've been resizing my pictures and finally posting my layouts on 2peas and SIS. It took so long to do but it was awesome because as I was uploading my images onto the sites, people were leaving comments like crazy! I felt so special and talented! I'm actually very proud of myself!

I made this layout last night using a postcard I got when I was in Germany. The second I saw this, it reminded me of me and Marie. I just had to have it so I could scrap it b/c almost every time Marie and I are anywhere we are reading either a book or looking through a magazine and our family always makes fun of us! We don't care though...we love it and enjoy each others company even when both of us are in our own worlds buried in a book!

fact: The Statue of Liberty's fingernails weight about 100 pounds a piece.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


We were supposed to get some thunderstorms tonght, but it never happened. I was looking forward to it, esp. since it hasn't rained in weeks! I need rain, damnit! It's just so cozy and relaxing to me. I'm actually watching the weather right now on the news and there's no rain for the entire week! Shitty! Well, since it didn't rain tonight Michelle came over and we sat outside, drank some wine, and her and Adam played cards. I must say, Farah and Michelle are the only cousins that come over! Hint Hint other cousins (and bro)! Here's Mishy getting a buzz off of a cigarette....

And I made these layouts before she came over...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Lookie Lookie

I finally got rid of my dirty piece of shit and got this...I love it!! It's so much nicer than my Land Rover, so much smoother, more comfortable, and cheaper! Adam and I were at the dealership today from 3-6:30! It took forever but I'm so happy with this car!

I really need to scrapbook...I'm so in the mood but I'm just too tired to do that right now. Hopefully I'll get a page done tomorrow.

So, I got this email today and thought it was very interesting...

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 cna. I cdnoult blveiee taht i cluod autaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not reaed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? And I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Isn't that kinda cool?! How many of you can read it. I think more than 55 out of 100 can but we won't prove that b/c I highly doubt I have 100 different people reading my blog and then actually commenting. But if you are reading and don't leave messages, please do, I really want to know who can read this....

Sunday, July 8, 2007


It was a pretty uneventful, somewhat boring weekend. We pretty much did nothing. Let's see...

Friday: I went to visit my mom at her house for a little while and then she came over my house. My aunt, uncle, and dad came over to hang out for a little while too.

Saturday: Went to my mom's. My cousin was visiting from Maryland with her triplets. Damn kids, ask SO many questions! How do mothers handle all those questions?! I swear, I don't know where they come up with these questions, half of the times I didn't know the answers (like why is chlorine bad for you?) and told them to ask their mom. I so appreciate my quiet life!

Jenan came over with the puppy she's dog sitting, Hunter. He was obsessed with Goose's toy, it was almost his size. It was so cute....I just LOVE animals!

He has blue eyes...
Sunday: Hung out with Farah, Marilyn, and Lindsey. We layed out at my mom's house, came back to mine and did this for a couple hours....

And tomorrow is everyone's favorite day of the week...monday! I really hate mondays. They're such a blow, aren't they?!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Check it out...

I made a sample wedding invitation and it turned out awesome! well, at least I think so....I'm so proud of it. It looks so much better in person, but this shot isn't too bad.

Ok, so does Fruit Loops have crack cocaine in it? I think Goose happens to think so...This is what he does EVERYTIME i eat Fruit Loops and when I say everytime, i'm really not exaggerating. Look at him...his eyes are fixated on the bag!

still looking but at a closer distance...

here he is wondering why I won't give him any...

now he's trying to make me feel sorry for him with that cute puppy dog look....

and of course, I gave in (after about 10 minutes of what you just saw) and Goose had some Fruit Loops with me for breakfast today!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

a good wife...

that's what i was today. I COOKED AND CLEANED. That rarely ever happens, I mean cooking and cleaning in the same night, especially the cooking part. I actually love cleaning, it doesn't bother me at all, so that's not the surprising part. So about the cooking thing, I made chicken cordon blue....and then Adam woke up and had spaghetti. I just can't seem to make anything else. It's always spaghetti or tacos! How pathetic of me! I honestly am too lazy to cook (my least favorite thing to do) and how in the world do people think of making different yummy food all the time? Can you guys help me cook something different, but easy with not too many ingredients?...I mean help Adam!

I made this Henna invitation for a friend of mine, Cheyene. I love how it turned out. The colors are just perfect. The picture does it no justice! I hope she likes it, if so I'll be making about 200 of these suckers...

fact: The USDA recommends eating no more than 10 teaspoons of added sugar per day. A child who drinks 2 cans of soda per day consumes about eighteen teaspoons of sugar per day just from soda! (according to healthiergeneration.org)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Partying with the Gals

We went out to celebrate my 30th birthday last night. It was so much fun to hang out with just the girls....we ate tons of food and drank TONS of wine (5 bottles to be exact and there were only 8 of us). I had a great time. Here we are....

The best part was the car ride home with Lidnsey,Carolyn, Farah, Marilyn, and me...
We took pictures the whole time. Lidnsey was gonna kill us...

We came home and sat on the back porch surrounded by out new tiki torches for a while just cracking up. The best/funniest part of the whole night is when we tried to put out the tiki torches at 1:30 and they caught fire!! The part that was supposed to put the torches out caught fire and fell on the floor. We were hitting the fire with my garden cloves but it wasn't working. We tried water, that let the one on the floor out but not the others that were burning so Marie asked if we had a fire extinguisher and sure enough, we did!! Of course Nickole had the job of extinguishing the fire while we stood back laughing our asses off and taking pictures...it was a riot!

There's ALWAYS drama when my group of friends get together...I swear, you can never be bored!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Feelin for Goose

The poor guy is having such a hard time with the fireworks this week. Our neighbors are shooting fireworks right now and Goose is stuck to my body shaking to death! He won't even move for a bone...and anyone who knows Goose knows that NEVER happens! He even freaks out when he hears them in the distance...I'm feeling for you Goose!
I started a new semester today...2 classes. It's gonna be pretty easy so that's good for a change. I can enjoy the rest of the summer. So, I made dinner for Adam, Cliff, and Jenan...Can you guess what I made? No, not spaghetti...the only other thing I know how to make...tacos! They were delicious and I want to make this....It looks SO good and I have the cutest bowls for it.
In case you can't tell what it is....it's French Onion Soup. It's actually my favorite soup and that's surprising coming from someone that despises onions.
fact: Onions come from the lily family.
by the way, chris are you out there? where the hell have you been?

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The weekend

Friday: Adam, farah, and I hung out at my parents house at night. My aunt and uncle (Lori and Paul) stopped by. We watched some fireworks on the lake and me, Adam, and Lori played cards. We lost to Adam...both Lori and I had to pay him $10 each! It was fun...by the way, my camera takes awesome pics! Look at this one that i took on friday night...it's so clear!

saturday: walked 4 miles with Farah and Marilyn. It was such a hard path! Marilyn was trailing behind us the whole time and wanted Adam to pick her up at one point. She made it though. I'm so soar today but that's probably because I spent a good few hrs pulling weeks so we can have a pretty garden some day....hopefully soon. Adam spent the entire day working outside and I picked weeds (4 large garbage bags full!) It was insane...I just couldn't stop pulling them. We're done with weeds though : )

Sunday: went to Adam's mom for a belated bday party for me. It was so nice. We sat outside, talked, and had an awesome dinner outside. It's a guaranteed good dinner when you go there. She also had my fav...cupcakes! Came home and made these 2 layouts:

Then me and Adam watched a program on 2 teen aged twins who are conjoined. It was so strange and so intriguing to see how they live. I just can't imaging how they live the way they do...compromise, patience, no privacy...24 hrs a day! It really boggles my mind. They act and look (their faces) just like any normal teenage girl, except share the same body. It really amazing, but yet so mind boggling.

That's just about all we did this weekend...no excitement here...how about you guys?

fact: Worldwide, there are probably only five unseparated sets of teenage or adult twins living today. (according to chanel 4 news/ health)