What a hit the christmas party was!!! It was beyond what I expected....just SO awesome! We had so many activities that the kids enjoyed....Everyone was so happy...the kids, parents, volunteers, and the staff at starfish family services.
Here's a peak at what went on at the party....
The kids got their faces painted. That was a huge hit...Marie and Foof were painting faces from 9:30 until 12! And the kids just got a kick out of it. Check out this kid when he looked in the mirror and saw his face....He was so happy!
They decorated mittens and trees...
This is Milton...one of my favorite kids...he's so damn cute!
They saw santa...one of the kids asked santa if he could make her mom have a baby...funny...

Of course, after Santa were the GIFTS!!! Check those babies out....The kids were almost overwhelmed by all the gifts...they were taking their sweet time in there so we had to rush them...

We didn't forget about the necessities either...each family got one of each of these...

After the gifts, we had a raffle for the parents. We raffled a dvd player with some dvds, 2 $50 gift cards to walmart, and 1 $100 gift card to walmart....the parents loved it!
And here are two of our favorite kids....all of us fell in love with Robert....what a character he is!! And check out that smile and those amazing eye lashes (i want them!)

This is Destiny....the most beautiful little girl! I want to eat that face!!!

And how cute is she?!! Her name is Sierra...what a doll!!

And this lady (Milton's mom) was so thankful! She gave one of the volunteers a hug and said that she loved us and that we have no idea how bad she needed all the things her family got....

I love throwing these parties and making a small difference in people's lives. It's hard for me to imagine the hardships some people go through, but it makes my heart swell with happiness to know that we did something to make them smile!
How incredible is that?!?!?! That is the BEST tradition I have ever heard of...
aww!! I loved it! I'm so happy I got to be a part of it!
A job well done once again guys!
renee, you michelle and janan are awesome. i had a great time helping out. those kids were so special. :)
Marie, if they are so special, then prove it and adopt them. Angelina DOESSS
Renee!! love seeing the faces of the kids you guys helped...they look so happy, and I hope you know how much you have help my family too...thank you
and hey...use that awesome scrapbook tape...so I know what to do with it.....
You folks were so fantastic to put this together! Thank you so much for making this a great day for all our children and families who were able to attend.
I had a great time being a part of it also. Great Job!!
--Cousin Farah
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Amazing!! You helped create some beautiful memories for the families of Starfish. Everyone enjoyed the party. The families will be talking about it for weeks. Thank you for shining your light into their lives on a cold December morning. May you all have a blessed Christmas season and a Happy New Year.
How fun!! What a great way to help others and share the real reason for the season! You are great for getting involved in a program like that! Happy Holidays! Amy
That all turned out awesome! good job renee! Can't wait to do it again!
I think it's great that you guys do this Renee. I am sure the families, the children especially, really appreciate it. That's what the Holidays are all about! Keep up the good work!
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