I'm SOOO sore....from the gym!! Somehow I've gone 2 days in a row with Michelle, got a personal trainer, assessed my overall physical fitness, AND am going to bootcamp tomorrow! I just have to say that bootcamp just sounds scary! God help me tomorrow, I hope I don't drop dead. Oh, and according to my assessment test, I have a fitness level of a 35 year old. That totally floored me. I guess I have to get my ass in gear and finally get in shape.
So about my laptop. I took it to Best Buy and Circut City and neither of them could fix it. Marie took it to her friend who fixes computers and it just turned on as if I never had a problem with it...so wierd! But i'm happy to have this baby back....it's so conforting to have all your files, pictures, documents, etc..
I rearranged my scrapbook room a little last night and worked on a few things.... Here are 3 "confessions" and a layout.
i am at the fitness level of an 18 year old! tee hee!
jk. that was supposed to be said in a very perky voice. i love your layouts. the one of your mom is perfect. simple and perfect.
Marie that was 2 years ago. calm down. i'm sure you're at 50 now, GAHBA!
Renee, you're doing GREAT!
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