..without you, Chris! We miss you! This post is actually for you...as we wait for Adam to play his turn (surprise, surprise). By the way, we're drinking wine and Michelle is kicking our asses at 51 tonight and Adam isn't happy.

Adam and I are still recovering from our red eye flight...we woke up at 12:15 pm today! Adam NEVER sleeps in...this is a really big deal for him. I actually felt pretty shitty waking up that late too! The day just went by way too fast...so much to do, so little time. I was hoping to scrapbook tonight after Adam made dinner but Michelle came over and we ended up playing cards. Hopefully, I'll get a page done tomorrow...
fact: world's oldest known recipe is for beer.
hmmm...looks to me like adam is starting to like getting photographed. either that or he just doesn't care if he's drunk enough! love you guys! miss you!
HAHA you guys are funny... I posted a comment a while ago saying that I was coming for adam in 51, and i really dominated him in arizona, ahhh that felt good.. dont worry adam, we will have rematch's when i come on Friday, I can NOT wait... we are gonna have fun... WE should have a cousins day, and if its nice, all go out on the boat and get drunk bonging beers! that would be great, we should actually do that a week from today, Sunday, so our parents will be there too and itll be a reunion with cliff and lucky too, and goose ia also more than welcome to come haha
i say michelle drinks apple juice.
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