3. Farah and I helped Janan, my brother's fiance, put together a scavenger hunt for him. He's hunting for a surprise...his wedding band! Usually the guy does it for the girl, but I think it's so cute that she's doing it for him. Can't wait to see the dread on his face when he realizes he's going on a scavenger hunt on his own.
4. I bought an awesome dress for a wedding tomorrow. I can't wait to wear it! It'll look good with my Arizona tan : )
5. I have a statistics test on Tuesday...I have no idea what I'm doing in that class (again). I seriously will be the happiest person after that exam...it's such a dreadful class. I really hope I can get my ass in gear and study for it tonight...I have so much to do and I'm so behind...I bet I'll end up scrapbooking.
fact: The Bible, the world’s best-selling book, is also the world’s most shoplifted book.
i am in LOVE w your dress!!! no fair, you're gonna look better than me and i'm a bridesmaid! jk..but you will. oh and please don't leave right after dinner!
when are we gonna hang out at borders/barnes? i miss that! stupid statistics. : )
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