and not really giving a shit! I'm talking about stats, of course! Farah came over to help me with some of the equations. We literally spent 2 hrs (at least) on one statistical procedure! She was getting so frustrated...I'm glad she got a taste of what I've been going through for the past 7 weeks. Well, after a good 5 hrs, we gave up. I just don't give a rats ass about stats anymore. So what if I have to take it over's not the end of the world. We'll see. Just 2 more days and I won't be blogging about that bitch class! Aren't you guys so annoyed by my stats posts?!
So, we went to Jennifer's graduation party yesterday. We had a good time with our family and are a couple of pics...
Cliff and Adam chillin with some scotch
Lori (my aunt, jennifer's mom) doing a lemon drop shot...

Me, Farah, and Marilyn...

I love summer! It feels so good to be in the sun with a nice tan!
fact (from Marie): according to an article from a couple years ago in the wall street journal, 59% of Americans do not own a single book, not even a cookbook or the bible!
Sucks about stats... you know, I work in the Math Dept. at the local community college and do volunteer tutoring at the math center, and even have a bachelor's in Pure Mathematics, and I STILL won't tutor STATS!!! I agree with you, the class sucks.
Oh, by the way, what kind of camera did you get for your b-day?'s mish...can we have a renee, adam and mish date night please?
i bought 3 books yesterday but not cuz im gonna read them, but because they were only a dollar each.
-chris gabriel
michelle, what the HELL do you mean by that comment? where am i in that equation???
p.s. renee, those pictures are so clear!!!
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