Why is Paris Hilton's jail sentence the talk of the news? I don't really care what she bought to occupy herself during her sentence time, what her mug shot looked like, or how long she's going in for! I mean who really gives a shit? Does the media not have more important information to focus on? Perhaps they think reporting on Paris Hilton is more important than, oh I don't know...maybe the war that our country is involved in...the thousands that are dying each month because of it, our terrible economy leaving so many unemployed, the AIDS epidemic in Africa, the inhumane ways people live in underdeveloped countries, the effects from global warming on our world, the honor killing that takes place in the middle east to innocent-helpless women, child abuse, animal abuse, obesity epidemic in our own country.... WAKE UP PEOPLE! STOP BEING SO IGNORANT!
I'm so sick of these fucked up celebrities making the news and all over magazines over their irresponsible behaviors. That shit shouldn't even make the news. Maybe the media needs to concentrate on educating us...giving us the facts about what is really going on in our world? Imagine what happen? We'd be educated and so much more aware of the huge things happening outside of the little world we build around ourselves. Maybe more of us would actually do things...contribute/voice our opinions about helping those who are starving, dying, suffering, etc...Isn't it our responsibility as human beings to help other human beings?
Fuck Paris Hilton's Jail time. Fuck Nicole Richie's 90 pound body. Fuck Britney Spears' shaved head. Fuck Angelina Jolie's and Brad Pitt's family life. Fuck Jessica Simpson's love life. Fuck Lindsey Lohan's drug addiction.
fact: Worldwide, it is estimated that more than 15 million children under 18 have been orphaned as a result of AIDS. More than 12 million of these children live in Sub-Saharan Africa, where it is currently estimated that 9% of all children have lost at least one parent to AIDS. By 2010, it is predicted that there will be around 15.7 million AIDS orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa. (copied from UNICEF website)
i wholeheartedly agree w/ everything you just said. it's frustrating to know that we have the power to do things as a group that would make a difference, but choose to fill our lives w/ meaningless crap. i am not saying i'm not guilty of this, because i am. but i try to do good as well.
i think the media underestimates their audience. i think more people than we think are hungry for facts and real information. forget the lies and the sugar coated news we get from FOX (otherwise known as FUX) or other biased stations.
we need to be educated about our own country as well as others. i'm embarrassed to admit that i am horrible when it comes to world geography. i think it is the fault of our school systems...why is a 3rd grader in japan better at math than a 3rd grader in our country? we should be at the same level. anyway, i'm going off on a tangent..good post, renee.
Renee, I couldnt agree more. But whats even more ridiculous than Paris going to jail is that she was released after 3 days because her "health" was in "jeopardy". Basically she had a panic attack and they sent her home with a tether on her foot meaning she can only go TO and FROM work, which means she can only go to events and talk shows.... HAHAH this whole city is FAKE
Hey! I stumbled across your blog (I can't remeber how) but I am so glad I did. I totally agree with you. I am so over all of the celebrities.
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