Monday, March 26, 2007


I've been sleeping and feeling like shit for a couple of days. What was even worse is that was beautiful outside today...76 degrees! I was being selfish and hoped it would rain so it would be cozier for me being inside and I wouldn't have to feel guilty that I was in bed. It didn't work though, it was a beautiful day! I shouldn't be complaining, I've been waiting for spring since the beginning of winter! Thank God it's finally here. One thing I love about spring is the rain. It just feels so soothing and can give a reason to stay home and veg. I love the rain!

Speaking of rain, we had a thunderstorm last night and Goose (our 10 yr old 100lb black lab) was terrified! He jumped onto our bed and was literally smushed up against my body. It was so cute, especially when he rested his head on top of mine (at 3am). He just wanted to be so close to me. Poor thing was shaking and having anxiety major anxiety over a little thunderstorm. Can you image a 10 yr old big black lab being that terrified of a thunderstorm?

Here's a pic of Goose. He is 10 going on 5...he's sleeping with his toy in his mouth as he always does, it's so cute!


Staci Compher said...

awwww.....such a cute puppy!!

Chrissy said...

goose is so sweet... i miss animals...although he does look like an aardvark in that picture, not the most flattering picture of him haha... im coming home in exactly 2 weeks!

Anonymous said...

Goose is adorable. I love labs. I had the most wonderful lab when I was young. She was the greatest pet ever.

I hope you are feeling better!