Round 3 here I come!! I can't believe I made it this far! Thanks to all my family and friends who voted (I needed those votes)! It was a tough round and all the ladies were extremely creative so I was a bit nervous. But I made it! The project for round 3 is due Sunday night so get ready to vote again! And Stacey, thank you SO much for your help with the last project. You're awesome!
So Janan bought me a color sudoku. I am obsessed with it and now Adam is obsessed with it too! We actually play it every night before bed, exciting huh?! I can't believe we (newlyweds) play sudoku before we go to bed! Is something wrong with us?
i'm sure your mom, who would love to see little renees and adams running around, would love to hear that you play sudoku before bed.
HAHAHA maries comment is very very funny!! I miss you GUYS DAMNIT!! um actually renee its pretty disappointing that adam is now playing sudoku or colorku or khadyaku, I feel that he is above all that and now Im not quite sure,the only reason he should be playing it is for masculine reasons, ie: showing you how easy and simple of a game it is. Ok see ya Later!
your comments are cracking me up!! i love that you leave them!!! when are you coming home chris?? we REALLY miss you and could use your humor around here! I hope you've started recording...
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