Saturday, March 31, 2007

We Miss You!

Ok, I think it's about time Chris (my cousin) comes home! We all miss you and your jokes! Come home already! Visiting is just not enough! But when you do visit, I'll have another cousins night...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Hello From Me and Goose

Here I am surfing the web with Goose. He just loves to lay by me! Of all the places he can sit/sleep in the house, you can always find him about 3 inches away from my face! He's ALWAYS so close that I can feel his hot breathe on my face. It really is so cute (not the breathe part)! It's so funny how these animals immediatly turn into a part of the family. Goose and Lucky (my dog) are our babies. They are sooo spoiled and sooo loved...probably because they can't cry, scream, run around, and destroy the house! It makes Adam and I want to have dogs instead of kids. I know that sounds horrible but I just can't see myself having kids now...and I'm turning 30 in 3 months! I can't wait too long! Uh Oh!
So I've been reading and rereading this blog entry, with one eye closed, so i can make sense of this post. You see, Adam and I went to the pistons game tonight. I was on an empty stomach and had 4 shots of hennesey, so you know how that goes. Lets just say I'M a little beyond BUZZED.....

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What Should I Blog About?

Sometimes I just don't know what to post on my blog, but I feel like I have to, for Marie and Chris of course! Almost every other time I blog I ask Adam what I should blog about. How typical of me! I should really try to be a little more decisive. Anyway, I was looking through my scrapbook stuff and came across a project a started a while ago but never finished. It's a Rolodex of 101 of my favorite things. It was actually so much fun to make and very easy! I plan on finishing it soon, I just need to take a few more pictures. Here are some of my favorite things:

Monday, March 26, 2007


I've been sleeping and feeling like shit for a couple of days. What was even worse is that was beautiful outside today...76 degrees! I was being selfish and hoped it would rain so it would be cozier for me being inside and I wouldn't have to feel guilty that I was in bed. It didn't work though, it was a beautiful day! I shouldn't be complaining, I've been waiting for spring since the beginning of winter! Thank God it's finally here. One thing I love about spring is the rain. It just feels so soothing and can give a reason to stay home and veg. I love the rain!

Speaking of rain, we had a thunderstorm last night and Goose (our 10 yr old 100lb black lab) was terrified! He jumped onto our bed and was literally smushed up against my body. It was so cute, especially when he rested his head on top of mine (at 3am). He just wanted to be so close to me. Poor thing was shaking and having anxiety major anxiety over a little thunderstorm. Can you image a 10 yr old big black lab being that terrified of a thunderstorm?

Here's a pic of Goose. He is 10 going on 5...he's sleeping with his toy in his mouth as he always does, it's so cute!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

I just love this woman!! There are absolutely no words to describe my love for her. Now that I am older, I appreciate her more and realize just how much she has done for her family. She has always supported us and loved us unconditionally. I don't know what I would ever do without her! I made this layout after Adam and I came from her birthday dinner. The journaling reads: You can take the place of all others, but your place no one else can take!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Should Be Studying

I really should be studying for an exam I have tomorrow but instead I decided to do this...

It's an obsession! I would much rather scrapbook than do anything else these days. I need help! Actually, a baggage handler (i think that's what you call them) at Metro airport is who needs help! I picked up my mom from there today and had a strange experience. The man who was putting her luggage into my car seemed nice at first, but as soon as we gave him his $7 tip he turned on us! He had the worst attitude. He repeatedly said, "what about me?", "i have change", "$7 dollars?". I really thought he was going to jump us over a $7 tip! Since when was a $7 tip for a baggage handler cheap? She had 2 pieces of luggage! I was shocked! I would have taken the tip back from him but he scared the shit out of me! Now he needs help!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


A quick post for Vanessa. This is the journal that I used. I actually didn't use paper for the cover, I painted it. The journal is fun to keep, makes quick pages, and is a good way to use up scrap paper.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Not This Time

Unfortunately, I did not make it to Round 4. It was a hard competition and I'm so glad to have been a part of it. Thank you to all those that voted for me. And congratulations to the talented women that are going on to Round 4. Good Luck Ladies!

6:42 am

My alarm clock is always set at strange time. I have 8 am class on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I always set my alarm clock for 6:42 am. I just can't bring myself to set it to 6:40, because that seems so much earlier to me! The extra 2 minutes really does makes a difference to me! Am I nuts? Does anyone else do that? I found this picture on flickr and it just made me think of myself when my alarm goes off in the morning and how badly I just want to crawl under the covers. I had to scrapbook it in my journal. Here's the pic...

I keep a scrapbook journal and whenever I feel like scrapbooking a quick page, I do it in my journal. I absolutely love it. Here are a couple pages from my journal...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Here It Is...

This is my project for round 3. I'm happy with the way it turned out and the pics don't do it justice. It's actually made out of a manila envelope that Stacey once taught me how to make. By the way, Stacey is my scrapbook mentor! Everything that I know how to make, she taught me! I love her and her work, she's awesome! Thanks for everything Stacey!

Anyway, right now I'm surfing the web, laying under the covers next to the fire and watching one of my favorite shows of all time: Friends! Doesn't it look comfy?...

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Here are some pics of the layouts I made for scrappy chic.

Now I have to work on the project for MM idol which is due tomorrow. I'm still not sure what I'm gonna do for this round! Better get working! Oh and this is a MUST HAVE idea book by Heidi Swapp ( I love her work).

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bigger and Better

Here's a picture of my NEW scrapbook room. It's almost finished (actually its been almost finished for a couple of months now). All I have to do is add curtain panels that I bought from ikea and move in my tv. I'm going to try to finish that this weekend. I swear, I just love this room and could just spend hours in there! I think of absolutely nothing else but my layouts when I scrapbook! It's so therapeutic. I don't like to answer my phone and I even forget to eat! I guess I should scrapbook more often!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just Being Nice

So, I was reading Scrap Smack (a tabloid type scrapbooking blog) and yesterdays post was about Making Memories Idol. People were asked to leave comments on what they thought of everyones project. I came across this one...

mirror - jewelry board - photo display - this is not my favorite to be nice. there is nothing there that is interesting or appealing to me...anonymous.

Well anonymous this is what I have to say to you

And that's just to be nice!

That blog is seriously horrible. It's so insulting! I guess people have nothing better to do than bitch!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Made It!

Round 3 here I come!! I can't believe I made it this far! Thanks to all my family and friends who voted (I needed those votes)! It was a tough round and all the ladies were extremely creative so I was a bit nervous. But I made it! The project for round 3 is due Sunday night so get ready to vote again! And Stacey, thank you SO much for your help with the last project. You're awesome!
So Janan bought me a color sudoku. I am obsessed with it and now Adam is obsessed with it too! We actually play it every night before bed, exciting huh?! I can't believe we (newlyweds) play sudoku before we go to bed! Is something wrong with us?

Monday, March 12, 2007

This makes me laugh...

I have this in my scrapbook room. It's actually a card from MikWright. It reads "I couldn't give a shit if I tried". I seriously love it, it totally makes me laugh. This girl actually looks like me when I was her age! Anyway, they have hilarious cards, you can browse through them on their website.

Round 2

It's voting day again! This round was a little different. We had to design a project that was kid friendly, easy to make, and could actually be used. Here's what I came up with..

It's a 3 piece wall hanging. Each piece serves a purpose, the first is a jewelry holder, the second is a mirror, and the third is a picture holder. There are better pictures posted on the Making Memories blog, which is also where you need to vote! Here's the link

Oh by the way, I was so excited to see that I had 4 comments! Vanessa, thanks for your comment and Marie and Chris, I knew you were gonna comment! I actually thought you two would be the only ones to comment. But just for you guys, I'm gonna keep posting (until someone else discovers my lonely blog)...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Is Anyone Out There???

Really, does anyone read my blog?? Please leave a comment if you're looking at this...I'm very curious! By the way, this what I've been doing all day...PIGGING OUT! And it feels good!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

I Want This!

I would love to hang something like this in my scrapbook room! It's very unique and can even be personalized. I just love it. You can find this at His website pretty neat too.

So, I am almost done with my next challenge for MM idol. It's due on Sunday night and voting will start again on Monday. This round was a bit challenging, but at the same time it was a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what everyone came up with. I'll make sure to post my project on Sunday night. I just hope the finished project looks as good completed as it does in my head : )

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I made it to the top 30 on MM idol!!! I'm so excited! I really didn't think I would get past this round with all the talents artists out there! My next project has to be posted by Sunday night so I think voting will start again on Monday. I'll let everyone know! Thanks to everyone that voted for me!

So Happy!

My brother purposed to his girlfriend last night!! She fell asleep on his bed and she woke up to him putting a ring on her finger! How cute is that?! I got a phone call from her at 2 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. It's so exciting! This time I could have fun and not worry about the planning (everyone knows that's not fun!). Here's a pic of the happy couple...Congrats guys!

Oh and I better spell check this post since Marie always emails me with my spelling/grammar errors...

Monday, March 5, 2007

The Sun Is Shinning!!

It has been gloomy for weeks and finally the sun shined today! Thank God it was nice out today, well if you call 28 degrees nice. It made waking up early and going to school so much easier, especially after a break!
I have been so pessimistic about school lately! I constantly wonder what I'm doing going back at 29 and how I could be doing other things. So, I swear to myself that I am going to change my attitude about school TODAY! It makes it so much harder to actually get up and go, and then come home and study when I have such negative thoughts! After all, it was my choice to go back and I should be thankful that I had the opportunity to go back! Right?! Besides, I only have a little over a year left (I think/hope).

Anyway, I thought I'd share a project that my cousin, Marie, is working on. It's amazing! She's drawing it for Emile's Salon and it's going against an orange wall. It's beautiful and actually looks like you're looking at the sky! Awesome job, Marie!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Enjoying My Last Day Off

I came across these cute mugs on a blog a few days ago. I'm not exactly sure which blog it was but they are just adorable. I think this print would be awesome on paper! If anyone has seen paper that looks similar to this, let me know. I would love to use it on a layout!
Also, a quick reminder that tomorrow is the day to vote for the Making Memories Idol. It's too bad I'll be in school all day. I'm dreading it! I enjoyed my vacation way too much! All I did was scrapbook, surf the web, and put my house together. And let me just tell you, it felt GOOD! I wish I could do it for another week! Oh well, I guess the fun is over...well for now at least!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

My Favorite Mini Book

I made this mini book last year of how Adam and I met. I love it, it's one of my favorites! I think I'm gonna make another like it of our first year as a married couple. It would be cool to have a couple "volumes" of these books and display them on a bookself. Can't wait to make my next one...

Friday, March 2, 2007


someone asked me where you can purchase the lace tape. Here's the link to the site that sells it: Enjoy!

Break It Into a Million Little Pieces!

That's what I want to do to Adam's fan! He needs a rotating fan in order to sleep, so every night that damn thing is on making noise and sending a cold drift my way! He calls it soothing. Soothing??? I think NOT!! If it was so soothing, why am I awake at 4am?? I would turn it off but even if I stand next to it, he wakes up! I don't know if I can even compromise the fan situation with him. It's so bad that if we go on vacation and forgets his fan, we have to buy one!
What to do, what to do? All I have to say is that he's so lucky I'm on vacation this week and I don't have to wake up early tomorrow!

Thursday, March 1, 2007


I'm looking at my wedding pictures (for the 100th time) and I just had so much fun! I thought I would be a nervous wreck, but I was actually relaxed and stress free! We had the absolute worst weather, too . It rained, hailed, it was cloudy, extremely windy, and the sun even peeked out! We experienced all types of weather in that day! Oh and it was about 20 degrees (taking pics outside was horrible)! But, it was all worth it! I am in love with my pictures!! Wilson, our photographer, did an amazing job! I can't wait to scrapbook some of the pictures!

Speaking of scrapbooking, I made a cute page of Goose. It was for Jeniece's monthly challenge. If anyone is interested in participating link onto her blog