fact: I'm a paranoid person...leaving a message about a 13 yrs old dead dog named Lucky will freak me out...hint hint Foof : )
fact: I'm a paranoid person...leaving a message about a 13 yrs old dead dog named Lucky will freak me out...hint hint Foof : )
it's my 13 yr old dog, Lucky! I just love this thing! She's like my baby...so much cuter than Goose (Adam's dog) : )
fact: The oldest dog ever died at age 29. (according to davidson.edu)
Lori (my aunt, jennifer's mom) doing a lemon drop shot...
Me, Farah, and Marilyn...
I love summer! It feels so good to be in the sun with a nice tan!
fact (from Marie): according to an article from a couple years ago in the wall street journal, 59% of Americans do not own a single book, not even a cookbook or the bible!
After breakfast, Adam brought this to me...
...flowers and inside that box was a brand new camera! I LOVE IT! I have been so sick of my old camera! The battery kept dying even right after I changed it. As a matter of fact, it took me a few minutes to take this pic b/c the battery kept dying! I was so annoyed by that, but I'm sure Adam was all smiles inside. I was so happy when I opened the box! Yeah! I can't wait to take TONS of pics at my cousin, Jennifer's, graduation party tomorrow! Gotta go, my glass of wine is waiting for me : )
fact: A recent survey suggests that more people are born on October 5 in the United States than any other day. October 5 holds a not-so-surprising significance, as conception would have fallen on New Year's Eve. The least common birth date in the U.S. is May 22nd.
And finally, Me, my bro, Jenan (future sister in law), and Adam
It was a fun party. I will definitely make some pages of that night!
fact: i'm really late, don't have time to look up a fact, gotta go....
I must say, it's a fun looking mess! I love it and could scrapbook all day! In fact, that's what I plan on doing on June 26, right after my finals...with a glass of wine of course.
fact: The basic form of life is female. The fetus begins as female and it is the SRY gene, located on the Y chromosome, which is responsible for initiating the sequence of events that leads to masculinization of the developing fetus.
SO....I fuckin hate stats!!! I have been studying for literally 7 hrs and I still don't know shit!! I just don't understand why it's so damn hard to get?! I'm ready to give up and take my test on tuesday. I mean I can't just sit there and not have a clue on how to start the damn problems...I can't believe this confusion and that I'm about to give up...with only 4 class meetings left! God, why the hell am I still in school?? It's so frustrating! It's so frustrating that after 7 hrs of studying, I actually threw my phone across the family room. Adam was just looking at me like I was crazy! I was about to throw my book too but I thought that was a bit much so I cried instead! I think I've lost it. I settled down and turned my laptop on, signed onto blogger to check my blog, and I got a comment from KRISTINA CONTES...my all time favorite scrapbooker!!! I was so happy! Then Adam really thought I was crazy! I mean, I feel kind of crazy/stalkerish for getting so excited over that. It's like back in the day when I was obsessed with NKOTB, only now I'm 29 and obsessed with a woman! I don't care though, Kristina is an awesome artist and yes, I am obsessed with her! She's so inspiring. Check out her awesome work on her blog http://soundsofscience.blogspot.com/.
3. Farah and I helped Janan, my brother's fiance, put together a scavenger hunt for him. He's hunting for a surprise...his wedding band! Usually the guy does it for the girl, but I think it's so cute that she's doing it for him. Can't wait to see the dread on his face when he realizes he's going on a scavenger hunt on his own.
4. I bought an awesome dress for a wedding tomorrow. I can't wait to wear it! It'll look good with my Arizona tan : )
5. I have a statistics test on Tuesday...I have no idea what I'm doing in that class (again). I seriously will be the happiest person after that exam...it's such a dreadful class. I really hope I can get my ass in gear and study for it tonight...I have so much to do and I'm so behind...I bet I'll end up scrapbooking.
fact: The Bible, the world’s best-selling book, is also the world’s most shoplifted book.