Since I've been back from nyc, I have been so busy. I've been working on a project (which happens to be a scrapbook) for my women in the middle east class. I collected articles but of course, I was short one source. So I retreated to family photos of the middle eastern women in my family. As I was searching for some pictures, I came across these and instantly tears dripped down my face (literally). These pictures are of my mom on her surprise 50th birthday party. I can't believe that was just 2 1/2 years ago. She looked so good and healthy and now she's gone. I still can't believe it.
Look at her face in this one, she's so surprised. Also, notice how happy my dad is (i haven't seen him this way in a LONG time)

Here she is with mom loved those gifts.

and this is her beautiful birthday cake. I wish she could have gotten more of these....

If only anyone knew what I would do to have her back...I miss talking to her, hugging her, complaining to her, crying to her, i miss calling her name. Oh mom, I miss you so much that heart hurts constantly. My soul feels empty and lonely without you. I can't wait until the day I met with you again....I'll be so truly happy!
Glad your back safely!
Love these pics of your Mom. Thanks for sharing and being so candid...
awwww, honey i am so sorry you are so sad, take your time to heal. I lost my father three years ago and it is so hard to loose a parent and it will get easier but it will never fully go away. i am here if you ever need to talk.
I can't even begin to understand what you are going through. but i just know that you are one strong lady to be able to speak so openly about her and your emotions. you are really making me change how i see my relationship with mom... beautiful pictures and beautiful words
Your Mom was a beautiful woman, always remember her smile and laugh, the most important parts!
these pics of your mom are so beautiful......hope your feeling better today....only 13 more days till scrapbowl...
Always remember those happy times Renee...she loved life, and you know she wants you to be happy and love life as well.
that was a great day, i remember peeking through the crack in the door and seeing your mom tear up, and your dad couldnt stop laughing
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