Since I've been back from nyc, I have been so busy. I've been working on a project (which happens to be a scrapbook) for my women in the middle east class. I collected articles but of course, I was short one source. So I retreated to family photos of the middle eastern women in my family. As I was searching for some pictures, I came across these and instantly tears dripped down my face (literally). These pictures are of my mom on her surprise 50th birthday party. I can't believe that was just 2 1/2 years ago. She looked so good and healthy and now she's gone. I still can't believe it.
Look at her face in this one, she's so surprised. Also, notice how happy my dad is (i haven't seen him this way in a LONG time)

Here she is with mom loved those gifts.

and this is her beautiful birthday cake. I wish she could have gotten more of these....

If only anyone knew what I would do to have her back...I miss talking to her, hugging her, complaining to her, crying to her, i miss calling her name. Oh mom, I miss you so much that heart hurts constantly. My soul feels empty and lonely without you. I can't wait until the day I met with you again....I'll be so truly happy!