This page is going in my "confessions" book and is dedicated to my cousin farah. She gets so annoyed when I eat out (which is all the time because I hate to cook). She lectures me about how I need to stop going out to eat and start grocery shopping so I can cook at home. Oh yeah, and she ALWAYS talks about partially hydrogenated oils (which i learned from farah is another word for trans fats).
Hey foofy...don't hate because I go out to eat all the time and thanks for inspiring me to do a cool page for my confessions book! McDonald's here I come....
That's a good confession and very true. Don't worry, I'm just jealous b/c I wish I could eat out everyday like I used to. But honestly, would it hurt to grab a cookbook and make something healthy. What kind of wife are you!!!
--Cousin Farah
Renee- I really feel bad for adam because he literally married the one arabic girl who doesnt provide him with a plethora of food choices on a daily basis, sometimes twice a day. But instead, Ronald McDonalds biggest fan haha. I know you know how to cook, Ive had your food and its good. JUST DO IT!
My 1st husband had a home cooked meal everynight. My second husband works in a kitchen, great cook, yet we eat out more than ever! Plus for work, we grab pizza or something! I have recently made it my personal goal to not eat crap for lunch. We have been having subway, salads, etc, but dinner is usually junk with fries!
Nothing is better than a large order of french fries from Mikeedees. Great, now I'm hungry... thanks!
hey chris, this generation of arabic girls don't know how to cook shit.
renee..i understand your mcdonald's addiction because i truly believe they put something in there, nicotine or something, to make you keep coming back. i indulge every once in a while...BUT, once you make something that comes out great, you'll be inspired to try your hand at another recipe. cooking doesn't have to be complicated...it's actually better when it's simple. try it!!! you're a creative person, you'll like it! p.s...i love all the pages you've been posting. keep it up!
Love the page idea....I don't cook either. I've cooked maybe 5 times in my entire life and each time was a disaster. If McD's does it right, why mess with a good thing.
this generation of arabic girls should get a nice lashing.
Okay, Osama.
--Cousin Farah
I have a confession...I want to kill Chikita
hahahahahahahaa...i love that renee has to post on her own blog to stop weirdness from going on!
here's a confession: i like weird.
Everyone, I talked to Renee earlier and she said she was getting KFC. Renee, we offer cholesterol screenings at the pharmacy. You may want to get one. Oh, and nice layout.
--Cousin Farah
farah, you are my favorite cousin from the other side...yes, you beat bethany.
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