My house has been abandoned! I'm rarely here anymore and it desperately needs to be cleaned...big time! I miss my friends too! (oh yeah, and adam of course) I've been either to down to really hang out with them or i'm with my mom. Tonight I was looking forward to seeing a bunch of them at a close friends bachelorette party and i got SICK!!! so now i really have nothing to do.... can't get too close to my mom right now, we don't want her getting sick...can't hang out with the girls b/c my nose won't stop running and my head feels like it's going to explode! SO....I scrapbooked

poor adam, i haven't been spending any time with him lately. by the time he got home tonight I had already started scrapbooking and wasn't about to stop. It's okay b/c he's been watching football all night and my layouts for the design team are, despite being sick, it turned out to be a productive night after all.
hey renee...don't hesitate to call me and hang out even if you're down. we can make art together. i love spending time w/ you. :)
Great layouts! Love the "LIVE WELL" one the best!!!
lovin' the new DT layouts....let me know if you ever want to get together at Scrappy Chic and crop the day away!! Hope your moms feeling better......she's so lucky to have such a great daughter!!
awesome layouts!! :)
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