I know I haven't blogged much but life got in the way and dragged me down. Hopefully, things will start to look up and my life could get back to "normal". I miss blogging, I miss the comments you guys leave me, I miss cousin Chris' craziness around here...so I'm back...we'll for now at least.
I was so happy today. My mom actually came over my house!! I loved every minute of it and I realized how much we take things for granted. And it's not just people we take for granted, but simple things that we do unconsciously. Things like walking, climbing steps, breathing, getting into a car and driving....and so many other things people can not do on their own. I see it more and more with my mom being sick and it literally makes me say a prayer of thanks to the Lord for blessing me with the simple things we take for granted.
On a more uplifting note....I'm getting emails like crazy for publication. The problem is it's for the same 2 magazines. Somerset Magazine (aka Legacy) asked for 5 layouts and they have my "escape" journal because I didn't want to tear out a page they asked me to send so I just sent the whole thing. It's okay, I'm keeping tabs on that journal...it's my favorite. And also ready-set-create, which I think is an online magazine asked me for 4 layouts (3 were published last month). It's all exciting, but I'm still waiting for Creating Keepsakes to find me and make me the next
Kristina Contes!!! Oh what a dream!!!! That'll never happen, but a girl can dream, right?!
And farah remember these...

For everyone else, that was an inside weekend trip joke/thing. Farah and I went on vacation with 2 of our close friends. Well, to make a long story short... The last day of our trip, we all went shopping in some record store which had a very small but random section of books. Linda and I, the ladylike/clean gals, happened to be browsing the store together and we stumbled upon the most perfect books for Lydia and Farah. "Everyone Poops" for Lydia b/c she had diarrhea the whole weekend and "The Gass We Pass" for Farah who is a walking stink bomb! The talk of the trip was Farah and Lydia's "problems" and we couldn't believe we found such perfect books. Maybe you had to be there....but it was hilarious! Hey I actually think they're perfect bathroom books : )
Well I think that's enough said for tonight, goodnight!
So glad you're back! And can I say, I am amazed by how positive you have been through this whole thing with your Mom!
Okay, so you are my HERO for all those published layouts! You ARE the next KC, I just know it!
I can't believe the whole world knows I have gas issues!! I'm so embarassed. I deny it all, darnit. J/K, But really, I'm only human. Back me up Marie!
On a side not, keep up the positiive attitude and kudos on the publications.
--Cousin Stinkbomb
farah, i totally understand. sometimes, or all the time in your case, you just have to pass gas or else your stomach will ache. hahahahaha....anyway, my gas smells like jasmine.
my gas smells like strawberry rainbow ice cream lollipops
-cousin chris
Renee I pray that your Mom continues to get stronger. You are such a good daughter and friend to her!
Congrats on the pubs that is wonderful news. CK is a tough, political nut to crack-good luck in your quest!
That is AWESOME, I'm so glad that your mom is doing better! I'm glad you have been there with her along the way, that's probably why she has recovered so well!
I am so excited for you about being published! Just keep submitting and you'll hit the big time.
I miss talking to you, you better call me soon!:)
Congrats on all the pubs.....!!!! Good luck with the CK....but wait I want to be "kristina contes" too.....hee,hee!!
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