All I want to do is sleep! I get a full night's sleep and I still don't want to get up in the morning and take naps during the day! What's wrong with me??...And NO I'm not pregnant for those that are going to leave a comment about that (Marie & Chris). I think it's that damn stats class that's making me want to do nothing but sleep. I hate that damn class! It's just a bunch of gibberish bullshit, i'll probably never use!
I was supposed to study for my stats test yesterday, but did this instead...

And then I said I was going to study when i finished that layout, but instead I took Adam's credit card and went scrapbook shopping online! I told him that I'd only spend $40 but i ended up spending $62 (without shipping)...oops! I even removed somethings out my my shopping cart ($20 worth).
So I woke up early to study for stats, but instead I've been on the internet for the past 1 1/2! I really have to get my ass in gear, grab some coffee, and just get this shit over with!
fact: The human body produces its own supply of alcohol naturally on a continuous basis, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
well that's a cool layout...very cute. and i wouldn't have made a pregnant comment unless you were going to say you've been nauseous.
sorry your stats class is such a bitch...but look on the bright side. it's not a full semester.
okay, can't wait 'til az! and it'll be fun, i don't know why you can't see that!
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