Wednesday, June 25, 2008
my head is spinning!

Sunday, June 22, 2008
holy shit...

yup, those are my new GUCCI shoes!!!! Farah, Marilyn, and Chrystal pitched in and bought them for my birthday! I am in LOVE with them...seriously! The first thing I did when I got up this morning was put those babies on! I swear, I've never owned such a gorgeous pair of shoes! Ok, enough of the shoes...check out these beautiful earrings Marie got me....
I swear, Marie always gets me the best jewelry! I don't think I've ever not liked something she's bought me...Marie, I can always count on you for awesome jewelry! She bought me a cute make up bag I have been eyeing too, which can also be used as a cool clutch! Then a bunch of us girls went out to dinner and they surprised me with this pretty cake (it's pink and brown).
They really spoiled me last night....thanks guys! All of you are truly the best! I really do have the best friends!
So today we spent the day on the lake. Here's me and Adam, by the way Adam had an entire pitcher of Margarita ALL to himself!!! nasty!

another pic....adam, my brother, and chrystal.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
first birthday surprise

I made these bridal shower invitations for one of my best friends...it's a sex in the city theme. We whipped up 80 of these in less than 3 hrs....

Thursday, June 19, 2008
i wish i was rich

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
goose is a pervert

moral of the story: make sure your panties land INSIDE the laundry basket!
Monday, June 16, 2008
in the dumps
Did a few more pages for my "confessions" journal...i think it's getting as full as it can for right now...can't think of anymore (maybe one) but i love this mini...it was so fun to make.

this next one i changed, i hated how the original confession looked, so here's the updated version...
this next one really is true...not one single pair!

anyway, i'm drained. it's after 1am. i work tomorrow and i don't want to. i need to go to bed. i'm out.
Monday, June 9, 2008
internet = lazy
Luckily it came back up and I can post a few things I worked on this weekend. I finally made the cover for my "confessions" book....I love the fact that it's getting full.

a confession....

and that's it for now....
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
hello stanley
I don't have too much to say lately...not sure what's going on with me. But I have been scrapping ALOT that's for sure...and loving it! Tonight the mojo really wasn't there but I still worked on some things. I made this for my "R" mini

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
So that just inspired me to scrap more! Here's another page I did today of goose and his toys....he LOVES them! And this is how he ALWAYS sleeps with them in his mouth...it's the cutest thing!

This our old man right here....doesn't he really look like one? With a "huh?" look....
Monday, June 2, 2008
layouts layouts layouts
So here are some layouts I've made...

this one was totally jacked from Katie. I loved her version so much I had to have one of my own!

and these go in my journal...