So I've been meaning to post this picture for a while now. This was the funniest moment I've had for a long, long time (I need more of those). Carolyn pulled her mercedes into my unshoveled driveway the day after a snow storm (a week and a half ago). Of course she got stuck! And here are Chrystal, Marilyn, and me trying to push her out....It was SOOO funny...did we really think we were able to do that?! I guess so.....

of course our weak selves couldn't do it alone, so after almost a half hour, we woke up Adam (who was sick by the way) to worked. she finally got out of our driveway. It was a riot though. we were dying of laughter!
I'm throwing a Health and Safey Fair the day after Easter (march 24) for kids that live at or below the poverty line. There are going to be a lot of single moms there too. Does anyone have anything they want to donate as a door prize? Anything for a child or a mother? Also, I'll take ideas for door prizes? I already have a gas card, haircut certificate, coney island gift card, stuffed animal...any other ideas or donations???
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target gift card...or even one to cvs since its a health fair (for their pharmacy). ill donate that fo ryou.
Renee, that was the funniest day ever. Remember how bored you guys were, until CAROLINE showed up! I wish i took a picture of Marilyn rolling over in the snow! lol lol lol.
anyways, whats going on with the Easter party, count me in.
those pictures are funny. except for the snow. i do not find snow fun or funny.
i can donate something...what do you need?
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