So we did a SIS gift was so much fun to do. There were a bunch of us and I got paired up with Candice. She sent me this lovely box..... notice the punchinella.....i died when i saw those...they're my favorite!!!

and she sent a note (on a cute stationary of course)... ***ATTENTION COUSINS****

how sweet was that!!! Thanks Candice, I loved it all!
Also, since I have had absolutely no creative energy in the past 2/3 weeks...I thought I'd leave you with something I made at Scrapbowl at one of KC's classes. It's called "my loves".

sorry some of the pics sucked but i didn't feel like retaking them.
Is it just me or does Candice P J have the EXACT SAME handwriting as renee??? Renee, I think you found your handriting twin.
I think I speak for everyone when I say, we've all dreamt of waking up early on christmas morning and finding a tightly wrapped punchinella under the tree with your name on it. Just the thought excites me.
Tell Adam he's retarded for thinking he could use your scrap paper!
I'm so glad you like your goodies!
Oh, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE purses too... it's sad!
HI CANDICE P.J.! Poor Adam, I probably would have done the same thing. She does have similar handwriting to Renee(but candice's is neater)! Good Call Chrissy! Renee, your fave kind of paper is looseleaf?
hahahahaa....this post cracked me up. i love candice pj, can she be a cousin, too?
renee, i LOVE your layouts. they just keep getting better and better. i think your most successful one is the layout of your mom's hands. i'm biased, though. :)
lol, can't believe he was writing on your p-s label, i would have had the same reaction. let me know when you need some more and I will pick some up for you! :)
ps, love your i love mini, still haven't finished mine, bad scrapper! :)
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