Saturday, October 13, 2007

Don't eat at my house...

...if Adam is cooking!!! So, Adam was making lunch for us today...tuna sandwiches with mac and cheese. I reading my magazine and chatting with adam as he was making lunch. I looked up and there was Adam licking....I mean really licking the shit out of the spoon and then dumping it in the pot of mac and cheese. I was SO disgusted! I yelled at him and his defense was that the mac and cheese was still boiling so the heat would kill the bacteria. That's just so freakin nasty! I guess that's what you get when you have a guy making your lunch...eeww! what's wrong with them?!

I know I've been a shitty blogger...sorry guys. I just really feel like I have nothing to say these days. All I do is take care of my mom, cry, or study. Life pretty much sucks right now. I don't even feel like scrapbooking! I hope I get out of this rut, I really don't like feeling this way. I picked up my DT kit last week and I still haven't looked at it...maybe I'll take a peek at it tomorrow. Actually, I was gonna call it quits on my blog but then I thought of cousin Chris and decided against it. I'll try to get back to the swing of things.

I'm going to a wedding tomorrow. It's actually one of my good friends from high school. I'll post some pics and maybe even a layout.

oh and one more thing...i got into my first "car accident". Well, it really wasn't a car accident, but I was backing out of my parents driveway and I ran right into my mom's car!!! The first car I've ever hit! I didn't even see it...ooops! my brother has been driving it since his car is in the shop and now I hit the one he's been driving. I did enough damage to it that it needs to visit the shop too...oh well, luckily nothing happened to my big ass truck.


Chrissy said...

Renee- Im glad you didnt quit the blog, for me, cause I really do check it all the time... But dont worry, even if you do it every 3 or 4 days its ok. I know a lot of people who do blogging and they do it a lot fewer than you do, so dont worry. Just dont quit please. And that was freakin hilarious about Adam, that is gross!

Candice P.J. said...

You can't quit this blog - I love reading your stories and seeing your layouts! This slump will pass, and then you'll be glad you kept it up! And don't stress about posting every day or even every week! Your loyal fans will wait it out!
I was cracking up at the mac and cheese story. One time Wade made me some eggs for breakfast, but we were out of milk (he usually mixes some milk in with the eggs to make them fluffier), so he thought it would be okay to use VANILLA CREAMER instead. It was the most wretched thing I've ever eaten!

Chrissy said...

hahahaha, VANILLA CREAMER!!!??? that is DISGUSTING. Lord be with you candice p.j.

renee said...

OMG..Vanilla creamer...i have to post a comment on that....eeewwwww...that's nastier than the mac and cheese!!! what's up with these guys...seriously, they are really out of it! But not chrissy of cours...he knows how to make tabouli!!!!

marie antoinette said...

hahaha...chris also knows how to make red rice and chicken, don't you chris? oh and he also likes to get into bed w/ his roommates and watch movies.

Chrissy said...

Marie I didnt send you the picture of me and my roomates in bed so that you can exploit the snuggly half gay side of me to everyone on the world wide web. See if I ever send you anymore pictures. And yes Renee thank you, I do make a number of delectable dishes that you will one day try, and today I made garlic smashed potatoes that were out of this world... Love peace and hair grease!

Anonymous said...

Heeeeyyyyy guys, I can make a mean disit of dolma!


Staci Compher said...

Renee....don't stop blogging!! love reading your blog......and seeing new layouts....!!!

Anonymous said...

Other than scrapbooking, how will the internet learn about your family and their interesting lives. You would be depriving the world. And, no, I don't want to do my own blog. This blog is one of the first things I check when I go online.

-Cousin Farah

marie antoinette said...

hahahaha....i have never seen "disit" spelled out in english. farah, PLEASE make your own blog where you just pour out what's in that big brain of yours. i think it would be roll on the ground and clutch your stomach funny. please please pretty please w/ zlavia on top?

marie antoinette said...

p.s. renee, PLEASE don't stop your blog. i, too, check your site regularly to the point of obsession. thanks. :)