So after reading Candice's blog and seeing her neat and clean scrapbook room (which by the way, mine usually is except for the last month) I decided I had to straighten out my room immediately. Well my friends, it didn't quite turn out that way. I created a BIGGER disaster!!
This is what I saw when I walked in....a desk full of shit....not to mention what was all over the floor and couch.

The light bulb went off in my head. "Ooohh, I can do this right now on my OWN would look SO cool....especially in RED!"

DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!! What the hell have I done?! I mean, did I really think it was going to look like the Nordstrom window display?!! What a fuckin idiot! Marie had to throw in that it looked like a murderer did it......but I would have to agree especially since i told Adam the same thing!
So now, my room is 10x worse than it was...thanks Candice!! I bet your getting a kick out of these pictures (lol)! I bet you weren't expecting this sort of disaster!
hahahahaha, looks like beginning of a thrilling murder mystery about a possessed and obsessed scrapbooker.
paint is only a few dollars a didn't need to use your own blood
I wanted you to be more organized, not become a SERIAL KILLER!!! You're right - I am cracking up right now! (don't come and murder me...!)
i like it, renee! its not bad, guys!
I think it looks bad right now only cause its the ONLY thing written, and the color is is nice, just not alone.
I think you should do something cool with the wall. Maybe since you LOVE quotes, paint all your favorite quotes on the wall. Different colors, different sizes. Something like that. If that doesn't work for you, just buy paint and start over 'til you find something you like!
I like mishy's idea of multiple quotes on the wall...
although, I think that you're going to have to do something to detract from the murder-esqe vibe of the quote you have now.
Red rum anyone? Lol much to my surprise I was flipping thru my current issue of Somerset and saw a lovely spread by none other than you! Congratulations to you!
OMG, you kill me!! This is hilarious and I love your sense of humour!! This gave me a much needed laugh today!! At least you tried!
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