Wednesday, May 21, 2008

facts and pics

* me + grocery store = bad mood *
* i am not photogenic *
* drinking water from a straw or a restaurant grosses me out *
* i am a nightmare in the kitchen, which is probably why at 30 i could count how many times i have cooked on 2 hands *
* i have a 2 more semesters of school before i get my bachelors degree in psychology and the amount of desire i have for the subject is 0 *
* jigsaw puzzles are fun *
* i want to shove xanax down the throat of a guy in my class. he CONSTANTLY rocks back and forth and it drives me up the wall *
* i think about my mom every minute of the day *
* i miss her *
* i got free embelishments off of my friends newly bought jeans *

this was goose 2 days ago with his brand new toy....

and this is goose a few minutes ago with the same toy...

and the cool and free emelishments off of a pair of jeans....


marie antoinette said...

hahahahaha....those pictures of goose made me laugh. he's so cute. i keep remembering him playing w/ my ninja in my car.
btw, why haven't you blogged about our amazing meal and why didn't we take pictures of it???

Anonymous said...

adam is so much cooler than jordan knight
