Monday, November 12, 2007


I was actually tagged! I'm so happy to know that other people (besides my cousins and a few others) actually read my blog. So yeah! to the tag by Helena Youngs. Here it goes...

1. If you could have $100 worth of scrapbook paper or assorted embellishments, which would you choose?

Although I LOVE patterned paper and have a shit load of it, I think i'd go with the embellishment...can't every have enough embellishments!

2. If you had to choose between using only stamps or rub-ons which would you choose?

Do I really have to choose on this one?! I love them both...stamps AND rub-ons, but i think i'll go with the rub-ons.

3. If you knew how to do both awesome cards and layouts, but could only do one for a year which would you do?

layouts....hands down!

4. Would you rather own a scrapbooking store or have your own scrapping room at home (can't have both, lol)

since I already have a scrapbook room, i wouldn't mind having a store to go along with it...but if i could only choose one i'd go with the store...imagine all the goodies you can get your hands on with own scrapbook store!

5. And then last but not least, what is your current cardmaking or scrapping style?

Eclectic? I think. I love to play with stuff and see what I can come up with. I use ink on EVERYTHING...can never get away from the ink and i'm loving paint too. Clean pages are boring to me so I like to get messy!

So now I have to tag 5 people.....Staci, Candice, Jeniece, Kelley, Tina...and i'm gonna do Stacey too (yeah you stacey bogert) just so she can update her blog!!!


Stacey said...

Technically, I am #6, so I don't have to do it right?? brat.

Anonymous said...

that is the MOST EXCITING survey ive EVER read in my life! =)
