So our christmas party is on saturday and Farah, Michelle, and I headed to walmart to do our for toys for over 100 kids!!! It was INSANE and tons of fun! It was toys galore...our carts were beyond full!
Here's the middle of our adventure through walmart...farah had to take over the kid count (ages,m,f, and how many of each) because Michelle and I kept losing track and were all over the place and so confused...but of course, Farah went through it so smoothly.

And finally the $1,650.00 bill (by the way, no item that was bought was over $12.97)...and this was just the second stop (the first one was at a dollar store warehouse where we bought a shit load of stuff for only $630)!!

Then we had a little dilemma...getting all those bags in the car on top of the boxes we had in there from the dollar store. Take a look at the biggest driving hazard ever!! My car, which by the way is a TAHOE, was full to the rim...none of us could move...literally! I mean does it even look like we're sitting in a tahoe? It was absolutely crazy and so funny!