for the never lose hope page, i used a picture marie took when she went to church to say a prayer for my mom...it's one of my favorite pictures...it's so calming and peaceful! thanks mar mar!
for the never lose hope page, i used a picture marie took when she went to church to say a prayer for my mom...it's one of my favorite pictures...it's so calming and peaceful! thanks mar mar!
just to mention: I am really starting to feel sorry for Britney Spears. I never thought I'd say that but people really need to layoff of her personal life! All the mean and nasty comments really should stop...she's only human..a fucked up one but still human...jeez! by the way I know that comment came from nowhere but I just heard something on tv about her...peace out.
For everyone else, that was an inside weekend trip joke/thing. Farah and I went on vacation with 2 of our close friends. Well, to make a long story short... The last day of our trip, we all went shopping in some record store which had a very small but random section of books. Linda and I, the ladylike/clean gals, happened to be browsing the store together and we stumbled upon the most perfect books for Lydia and Farah. "Everyone Poops" for Lydia b/c she had diarrhea the whole weekend and "The Gass We Pass" for Farah who is a walking stink bomb! The talk of the trip was Farah and Lydia's "problems" and we couldn't believe we found such perfect books. Maybe you had to be there....but it was hilarious! Hey I actually think they're perfect bathroom books : )
Well I think that's enough said for tonight, goodnight!