For years, I thought since I checked off that I was an organ donor on the back of my license, that i was one. I never knew you had to register to be one. So finally, i did it and i'm an organ donor...I feel good. In my opinion, everyone should do it.
Since I have started working and taking a full load of classes, i've been SO busy. I honestly don't know how people have kids, go to school, and work?! I'd go insane! I feel like I have no time for anything and my house is a serious mess! But somehow, I found the time to scrapbook last night...funny isn't it? I guess if I really wanted to clean or study or go out, i'd make time. Here's what I worked on last night.

i love those layouts...yeah and the cliff layout isn't that blue in person. that's weird.
who would rather clean than scrap?? love the new layouts...love that dog...he's so sweet, girl one week from now we will be on our way to VA!!!
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