...in the mail that is. I'm officially an organ donor!

For years, I thought since I checked off that I was an organ donor on the back of my license, that i was one. I never knew you had to register to be one. So finally, i did it and i'm an organ donor...I feel good. In my opinion, everyone should do it.
Since I have started working and taking a full load of classes, i've been SO busy. I honestly don't know how people have kids, go to school, and work?! I'd go insane! I feel like I have no time for anything and my house is a serious mess! But somehow, I found the time to scrapbook last night...funny isn't it? I guess if I really wanted to clean or study or go out, i'd make time. Here's what I worked on last night.

and this picture isn't really that bad but for some reason, my scanner picked up all the blue in this picture...it hurts my eyes actually.