since we're on the subject of liquor...i'll share a funny memory with you. A few years ago, a few girlfriends and I went to Chicago for a weekend trip. Next to our hotel was a small grocery store and a light bulb went off... I had the best idea! Since I had been so sick of the bar and sick of nasty guys with their ridiculous pick up lines, I was going to get them back. I went into the grocery store, bought an apple, and off to the bar I went. I had a plan. The first guy that was going to talk to me was going to be the victim. And here he is... as soon as he asked me my name I busted out my apple, bit into it and said, "Eve". I thought for sure he'd go away after that but he DIDN'T!! He kept talking to me! I mean didn't he think that was strange?! And he asked me what I was going to school for and I said nutrition! I guess my plan didn't go as perfectly as planned. But at least I got a picture! (lydia was waiting for me to do it lol)

....and then I noticed a mistake!