Sunday, July 13, 2008

eve and her apple

since adam and farah were the bartenders at marilyn's shower, farah went out and bought a shit load of liquor so they could practice making drinks...this is what the craziness looked like...look at all the liquor!

since we're on the subject of liquor...i'll share a funny memory with you. A few years ago, a few girlfriends and I went to Chicago for a weekend trip. Next to our hotel was a small grocery store and a light bulb went off... I had the best idea! Since I had been so sick of the bar and sick of nasty guys with their ridiculous pick up lines, I was going to get them back. I went into the grocery store, bought an apple, and off to the bar I went. I had a plan. The first guy that was going to talk to me was going to be the victim. And here he is... as soon as he asked me my name I busted out my apple, bit into it and said, "Eve". I thought for sure he'd go away after that but he DIDN'T!! He kept talking to me! I mean didn't he think that was strange?! And he asked me what I was going to school for and I said nutrition! I guess my plan didn't go as perfectly as planned. But at least I got a picture! (lydia was waiting for me to do it lol)

and here's the last thing i wanted to show you guys. I made marilyn's wedding invitations. After proofing everything a million times with marilyn, I printed 158 of them and put it together....

....and then I noticed a mistake!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

decisions, decisions, decisions...

...i hate them!

Why am I SO damn indecisive?!! It's so bad it gets on my OWN nerves!!!! I change my mind a million times with's crazy! It even happens with scrapbooking! For example, a few times this week I set up my scrapbook stuff downstairs because I was feeling creative but after unloading everything and getting organized, I decide that i really don't feel like scrapping! It's weird.

I have a new dilemma. I got offered a job deal with the photographer I'm working with now that I almost can't resist! The problem is I can't take this job, juggle it with school and work at my current job...too much. I know I'd LOVE this job if I decide to take's very "scrapbookish", but I feel so bad for leaving Starfish! I don't know what to do and I want to make a decision sooner rather than later so I can start making some money! I wish someone would just tell me what to do!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


yay! i finished my first digital wedding album for my new job! wow..i really can't believe how long it took me! learning and getting used to the computer software was pretty tough, but i'm getting the hang of it. i actually got another book to work on today and i'm hoping to have it done in a few hours.

after a LONG day at school yesterday, i had to do something fun before i called it a day so i made a few simple pages for my "R" book.

and i got the necklace in the mail today!!! I LOVE IT!

and check out the tag it came on...yup, that will definitely be used somehow, somewhere....i love it! don't you just love finding free embellishments? i went to lohemanns the other day with marie and saw a cute red sticker tag on a pair of jeans that said "i want to live like this forever"..yup, took that too. how could i not?!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

i hate school!

really, i am so over school! the closer i get to graduation the more i HATE it! i especially dispise it when the professor makes you introduce yourself to the class: 1. it's so childish and makes me feel like i'm in 3rd grade and 2. who the fuck cares about what u say about yourself?! i'm actually blogging as someone is introducing herself..eerrgh! also, i have to be here for 8 hours every tuesday and thursday....this is what i have to say to everyone that's enjoying themselves in this beautiful weather today (and every tues and thurs for the rest of the summer):