Tuesday, November 25, 2008

ho ho ho

it's crazy how life can change in a blink of an eye...and then it just leaves you.  just like that. gone...and you're left sad and lonely. lately, i'm just not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  is it even there?

this time (2nd time) around, the holidays absolutely suck! surprisingly, last year, just three weeks or so after my mom died, i couldn't wait to put up the tree and start decorating. i think i was just in shock and tried to make things as "normal" as possible because this year is a whole different story.  fuck the music. fuck the tree. fuck the gifts. fuck the snow.  and fuck all the happy people. oh and a big FUCK YOU to new years if brings me another round of a miserable shit.
But, with all that said, i will try to make the best out of this "jolly" season.  

p.s. i''m feeling really creative lately (but i've been to lazy to actually create anything)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

a whole lot of nothing

i'm loving this quote farah sent me...just had to make a layout of it.  it felt so good to create something today...but i really need to start making layouts with pictures on them! But that calls for a new camera (just because i've had my eye on a certain one for a while) and someone to take pictures of since Adam refuses to do it. 

And since school and work engulf every damn aspect of my life, i really don't have much more to say....except that i should be graduating in 28 days!!!!!  holy shit...i can't believe i'm about to finally finish!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


made this as i was watching obama put mccain to shame.  

wow, that was a huge victory!! can you imagine how Obama feels right now?! he holds the title as the first black president of the united states! now that's pretty damn gratifying!