Thursday, December 27, 2007

oh no!

my laptop is broken! dead. gone. I'm so bored without it! I have no idea what happened to it. I was using it all day yesterday and then I went to turn it on last night and it just wouldn't turn on. I'm so mad! All my stuff is on that computer and now I'm using Adam' shitty! Sorry guys, I have no fun pics to post of Christmas, which was at my house!

I was such a bad hostess. I had NOTHING prepared! I was planning on doing everything Christmas morning: grocery shopping, getting the liquor, all that, but I had no idea that everything closes on Christmas and that they do not serve liquor either! So it was bring your own food and drinks at the Lige Christmas get together....but it turned out good and it was fun. Sorry I have no pics to's all on my computer : ( All I have to say is, whatever the problem is better be fixable and fast...i love my laptop!


marie antoinette said...

your new laptop is already broken? that's cuz it's not a mac.
also, i don't like how you didn't mention all the help you had to make your lige christmas get together possible!

Anonymous said...

its true, i was there. it has finally gone dead. actually it was okay, "renee, do you no that was the first time i was over and you didnt sit on your computer the whoooole time?" actually we ended upon adams laptop didnt we??? lol

Anonymous said...

by the way its me Marilyn! i cant figure out my password and im too lasy to set up another about lazzzzy...

Jennifer said...

Lol, for real renee, once you go mac, you never go back. and I ate leftover dolma yesterday it was incredible!