Thursday, November 15, 2007

it's not fair

it's just not fucking fair!! why does such bad things happen to good people? i just don't understand! did my mother deserve to die at 52 of cancer? NO! does my father, who is ALWAYS putting others before himself deserve such grief? NO! is it fair that my mother didn't live long enough to see her son get married or even her grandkids? NO! It's just not fucking fair!

I'm mad...i'm heart is just torn into pieces. I actually think that it's turned into stone...i'm bitter. i'm pissed. i don't give a shit about anything. I just want my mom back! I don't know how to spend the rest of my life without the person I loved most in this world!


marie antoinette said...

i don't know the answers. i wish i did. i wish i could do something. but all i can do is stand by you whenever you need or want me there.

Chrissy said...

Renee- I know its easier said than done but you just have to have faith in God that there is a reason for everything. And yes it is very unfair for us here on earth to be dealing with our loss but I dont believe that our time here as physical beings is the extent of our life. Try and be strong, you have been amazing so far, and dont forget how much family you still have around you that love you and each other, unconditionally. It may be harder for you than most people but we are all in this together and youll never be alone.

Staci Compher said...

I can honestly say...that I know you has been 3 weeks this morning that I watched Ed walk out the front door to work........and life will never be the heart just feels empty.....stay strong renee..your in my thoughts....Staci

Anonymous said...

Sadly, life is not fair and death does suck. I have encountered so many things in my life that made me feel like you do. Over time I learned lessons from my pain. But right now that's not how you/we see it. Hang in there-try to do the things that you enjoy and maybe that will help. I am thinking of you. Hugs-Renee